‘Most Accomplished Police Chief in America’: Manger Gets High Praise at Public Safety Awards
At the 45th Annual Public Safety Awards earlier this month, Chief Tom Manger was awarded the Public Service Award of Excellence.
Steve Robins, the chair of the awards offered Manger high praise when he presented Manger with the award on behalf of the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce.
“Tom routinely and graciously thanks me and others, but today, it is me on behalf of everybody that is thanking him for his countless and great efforts as — in my opinion — the most accomplished police chief in the entire country,” said Robins.
Manger also presented Robins with a plaque for the 19 years of hard work he put into the award ceremony.
Manger’s Next Steps as He Enters Retirement
Manger’s last day as police chief before he enters retirement is Thursday. He told MCM that he plans to serve as Washington D.C.’s representative for the Major Cities Chiefs Association.
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Chief Tom Manger Announces Retirement from Montgomery Police
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