County Pools Stay Closed, Can Reopen During Phase 2 of Recovery Plan

Gaithersburg Water Park

During a news conference Wednesday, Gov. Larry Hogan announced community pools can reopen in Maryland at 25% capacity starting Friday. However, Hogan’s announcement does not apply in Montgomery County.

In phase 1 of Montgomery County’s COVID-19 recovery plan, which Marc Elrich announced Thursday, swimming pools (both private and public) are to remain closed. On Friday, Montgomery County released a statement reiterating that pools are still closed, but announcing public and private community pools will reopen in phase 2 of the county’s recovery plan.

The county released guidelines, based on recommendations form Maryland Department of Health, about what restrictions will be in place when pools can reopen. For sure, there will be restrictions on the number of patrons allowed to enter a pool facility. Other restrictions will be determined based on the size of a pool.

Here is the health department’s list of restrictions:

  • Swimmers must maintain a minimum, six-foot physical distance while in the pool and on the grounds;
  • Staff and patrons will be required to wear face coverings when outside of the water whenever possible;
  • Pool must maintain a supply of soap and hand sanitizer for use;
  • Pools must maintain an ample supply of equipment such as noodles and kickboards (where allowed) to minimize sharing.
  • Pool operators will be required to disinfect frequently touched surfaces at least twice daily and clean floors, toilets and sinks with soap and water daily.
  • Wading pools, hot tubs, spray or splash pads and lazy river pools will remain closed.

It is unclear when Montgomery County can move to phase 2 of its COVID-19 recovery plan, so therefore, it’s unclear when (or if) pools can reopen in the county this summer.

In the meantime, although pools are closed, county officials encourage community pool operators to schedule pre-opening inspections by contacting Licensure & Regulatory Services at 240-777-3986 or by calling 311.

Previous Post:

The Question Looms: Will Montgomery County Pools Open this Summer?

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Deirdre Byrne

About Deirdre Byrne

Deirdre Byrne is a social media coordinator for Montgomery Community Media. She can be reached at or on twitter at @DeirdreByrneMCM.


One Response to “County Pools Stay Closed, Can Reopen During Phase 2 of Recovery Plan”

  1. On May 31, 2020 at 4:30 pm responded with... #

    Is Worcester County in phase two yet? If so, great! If not, what is the set date?

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