COVID-19 Numbers: County Deaths at 63, County Cases Up by 147, Pass 2,000, State Cases Surpass 11,000
The number of Montgomery County COVID-19 cases now stands at 2,280 according to the statistics released Friday morning by the Maryland Department of Health. Montgomery County cases increased by 147 since Thursday.
The number of COVID-19 deaths in the county is 63 confirmed and 15 probable. The Maryland Department of Health now reports the number of deaths that were confirmed by testing and the number that are probably due to COVID-19, but have yet to be confirmed with testing.
County Executive Marc Elrich and Public Health Officer Dr. Travis Gayles briefed the community Thursday. Gayles stressed that the number of COVID-19 cases in the County is on the rise and has not peaked yet.
Watch the community briefing below:
Maryland COVID-19 Statistics
As of Friday morning, there are 11,572 cases of COVID-19 in Maryland, which is an increase of 788 cases from the 10,784 cases reported Thursday.
The total number of deaths in Maryland due to COVID-19 is currently reported as 425, up from 392 Thursday. There is no additional information about the 33 victims at this time.
The Maryland Department of Health identifies the number of cases and deaths by race. Coronavirus is disproportionately impacting African Americans. As of Friday morning, African Americans had a total of 4,301 cases and 166 deaths in Maryland. This is 37 percent of coronavirus cases and 39 percent of the deaths in the state. According to he the US Census African Americans represent 31% of the population in Maryland.
By comparison, people whose race was listed as white had a total of 2,681 cases and 137 deaths. Whites make up 23 percent of coronavirus cases and 32 percent of the deaths. According to the US Census, whites represent 59% of the population in Maryland.
Data by race is not yet available for 2,552 cases and 80 deaths.
Of the total Maryland cases, 2,612 were hospitalized at some point and 736 have been released from isolation. According to the Maryland Department of Health, there have been 50,437 negative coronavirus tests in the state.
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