County to Wait for Potential July 4 COVID-19 Spike Before Phase 3 Decision
Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich said the county will wait to see if the Fourth of July causes a spike in COVID-19 cases before any Phase 3 reopening announcement is made.
The county won’t be able to observe that until at least a week from this weekend, or a little over a week, Elrich said at a virtual media briefing Wednesday. He announced Phase 1 of reopening on May 28, to begin June 1. The county announced Phase 2 of reopening 18 days later on June 15, to begin on June 19. Following that timeline, the 18-day mark from the Phase 2 announcement will be this Friday, July 3.
Both Elrich and County Health Officer Dr. Travis Gayles said they will be waiting longer this time around, due to factors like the holiday and a plateau in COVID-19 cases. Gayles said more of a decrease in new cases is needed rather than the current plateau.
The MOCO government will do anything to keep their foot on the throat of the counties citizens and not give up their dictatorial power & control over everyones lives.
I am grateful that they feel lives are more important than money. People refusing to wear masks, refusing to social distance, and etc. I don’t want anyone to infect me and I certainly don’t want to carry it to anyone else. Be smart and follow the suggestions so that we get past this and able to get back to the new normal.
I agree. Thank you
I agree with how the county is working to keep us well and safe.