Workshop to Help County Non-Native English Speakers Find Jobs

working at computerFinding a job can be incredibly difficult.

And for those who don’t speak English, finding a job and fighting a language barrier is no easy feat.

The Gilchrist Center for Cultural Diversity in Montgomery County is looking to help county residents navigate the challenge, recently announcing a program starting in January that will assist in training non-native English speakers in all aspects of the job search.

“Looking for a job is difficult under the best circumstances,” said program coordinator Anna DeNicolo. “When you’re coming from a different country and English isn’t your first language, the challenges are compounded. We offer this workshop to assist our clients in learning all of the skills needed to find a good job in Montgomery County.”

The program kicks off on January 8, 2014, and runs through March 12. The fee for the 10 workshops is only $25 for those who are accepted in the program. Prerequisites include experience with Microsoft Word and email, as well as advanced English skills.

“There are many immigrants with good education, skills and experience in their former countries who are having a hard time finding a job here,” said Judith Johnson, a volunteer at the Gilchrist Center and the program’s instructor. “They don’t know how to do resumes, interviews, networking and all of the other things they need to work.”

Topics covered during the session include exploring the job market, preparing a resume and cover letter, completing an application on paper and online, practice with interview skills, tips on how to succeed in the American workplace, and skills for job retention.

The winter session marks the sixth time that the program was offered since its launch in 2012.

“Often, immigrants who hold skilled positions in their home countries are unable to use their education and skills in the U.S. at a similar level and resort to lower-paying jobs despite their experience,” DeNicolo said. “This can be due to different credentialing and licensing procedures, language barriers, different job-related cultural practices, and lack of personal networks. This is a loss to them, their families, and our entire community.”

To apply for the program, send an email of interest to Judith Johnson at Find more information on the program and the Gilchrist Center here.

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Valerie Bonk

About Valerie Bonk

Valerie Bonk is a multimedia reporter and community engagement specialist with Montgomery Community Media (MCM).


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