Updated at 3 p.m. Aug. 24 Police have identified the pedestrian who was struck on University Boulevard East and Merrimac Drive in Takoma Park. Roberto Cardenas Martinez, who is believed to be about 42 years old and possibly born in San Pedro, Oacaca, was killed Aug. 23. Detectives have not yet located his family and […]
Fallece Peatón tras ser Atropellado por un Vehículo en Takoma Park
Un peatón murió luego de ser atropellado en University Boulevard y Merrimac Drive en Takoma Park, la madrugada del lunes. El accidente ocurrió alrededor de las 2 a.m. El conductor permaneció en el lugar. Según la policía, se desconoce por qué el peatón estaba en la calle. La Unidad de Reconstrucción por Colisión de la […]
Public Hearing Thursday Will Address Bike Lanes Pilot Program on University Boulevard
The Maryland Department of Transportation’s State Highway Administration is holding a virtual preconstruction meeting Thursday night on its plan to build a shared streets pilot project on University Boulevard in Wheaton between Amherst and Arcola avenues. The May 13 virtual hearing will be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on MS Teams. Residents are […]
Bike Lanes Temporarily Added to University Boulevard in Pilot Program
University Boulevard from Amherst to Arcola Avenues in Silver Spring is expected to become a shared streets pilot project to enable bicyclists to have their own travel lanes this summer until late fall. Maryland Department of Transportation’s State Highway Administration has designed plans with the goal of balancing different forms of transportation to and from […]
Nace Bebé en la I-495 en Horas de la Mañana del Viernes
Un bebé nació en la I-495 Capital Beltway el viernes por la mañana, dijo el portavoz del Servicio de Bomberos y Rescate del Condado de Montgomery (MCFRS), Pete Piringer. Los socorristas transportaron a la madre y al recién nacido y todos estaban bien, dijo Piringer en Twitter. El bebé nació alrededor de las 7 a.m., […]
Baby Delivered on Beltway Friday Morning
A baby was delivered on the I-495 Capital Beltway Friday morning, Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service (MCFRS) Spokesperson Pete Piringer said. Responders transported the mother and newborn and everybody was fine, Piringer said on Twitter. The baby was delivered around 7 a.m., before MCFRS arrived, on the outer loop by University Boulevard, between New […]
Five Things to Know for July 7 in Montgomery County
It’s Tuesday, July 7, and today is National Strawberry Sundae Day. Because scattered thunderstorms are expected later in the day, this is something sweeter that we can look forward to. In the meantime, here are five things to know in Montgomery County. 1. Council in Virtual Session: Montgomery County Council meets virtually at 9:30 a.m. […]
Blair High School Seniors Pledge to Drive Responsibly
On Thursday morning, Councilmember Will Jawando hosted a launch event for the safe driving initiative, #DrivingItHome, at his alma mater of Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring. The initiative was started in Feb. 2019 by Prince George’s Council Member Monique Anderson-Walker. Anderson-Walker launched the initiative after a series of deadly collisions on Indian Head […]
Mujer Fallece Tras ser Atropellada por Camión de Correo
Un camión de correos atropelló y dejó sin vida a una mujer alrededor de las 6:46 p.m. del día lunes. La víctima fue atropellada mientras intentaba cruzar la University Boulevard dirección oeste, según un comunicado de la policía del condado de Montgomery. El camión de correo, Chevrolet USPS de 1990, estaba siendo conducido por Thanh […]
Four People Injured in Kensington Collision
Four people were taken to the hospital this morning with nonlife-threatening injuries after a multi-vehicle accident in Kensington. Pete Piringer, the spokesperson for Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Services, tweeted that the collision occurred at around 8:15 a.m. on University Boulevard West and Hobson Street. ICYMI (~815a) University Blvd., West & Hobson Street, cargo/maintenance van […]
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