Superintendent Dr. Jack Smith

May 26, 2021 | Maryam Shahzad

Retiring MCPS Superintendent Smith to Students: ‘You Are The Hope For The Future’

As Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Superintendent Dr. Jack Smith nears his retirement, he reflected on his time in public education and with MCPS. In a video message to the MCPS community, he thanked students, staff, families and community members. “Please know that you will always have a special place in my heart and that […]

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April 21, 2021 | Maryam Shahzad

Less Than 1% of Students Waitlisted for In-Person Learning, MCPS Superintendent Smith Says

As of April 12, 42% of Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) have no waitlist for returning to in-person learning, Superintendent Dr. Jack Smith said during a school board meeting Tuesday. Smith said another 38% of schools have a waitlist of nine or fewer students. “And that means some of them have come into the waitlist […]

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April 6, 2021 | Maryam Shahzad

‘Definition of School-to-Prison Pipeline’: Council Discusses Police Incident Involving Kindergartner

The outcome of an internal investigation into a 2020 incident, in which body camera footage shows two Montgomery County police officers screaming at and handcuffing a kindergartner who left his school, cannot be revealed due to state law, MCPD Chief Marcus Jones said during a council meeting. Council President Tom Hucker convened a discussion Tuesday […]

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February 24, 2021 | Abby Espiritu

County Board of Education Declares March to be Observed as Women’s History Month

On Tuesday, Feb. 23, the Montgomery County Board of Education declared the month of March 2021 to be observed as Women’s History Month. “Throughout our country’s history, women have contributed to the values of the United States by advocating for equity, justice, and equal opportunity for all citizens…” Superintendent Dr. Jack Smith stated, in a […]

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February 5, 2021 | Deirdre Byrne

VP of Education Association: MCPS Teachers Need ‘Consistent Plan’ to Return to Classroom

Gov. Larry Hogan set the goal of March 1 for all public schools in Maryland to reopen for some form of classroom learning  During his announcement on Jan. 21, Hogan said the state would consider if it should “explore…legal avenue[s]” if school districts do not make an effort to offer some form of hybrid learning. […]

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January 29, 2021 | Maryam Shahzad

MCPS Will Present Plan Aiming to Bring Some Students Into Schools by March 1

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) officials will soon make a recommendation about how small groups of students in some special education and Career Technology Education (CTE) programs could return to school buildings by March 1, as urged by Gov. Larry Hogan. “We’re going to make a recommendation on February 9 about how we could bring […]

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January 22, 2021 | Maryam Shahzad

MCPS Concerned About State’s ‘Abrupt’ Change in Reopening Guidance

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) said it is deeply worried about Gov. Larry Hogan’s “abrupt” announcement urging all Maryland school districts to offer some form of in-person instruction by March 1. “While we appreciate the commitment to provide additional resources to assist local districts with reopening efforts, we are deeply concerned by the abrupt change […]

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January 15, 2021 | Andrea Sarralde

El Superintendente de MCPS Jack Smith se Jubilará el 1 de Junio

Las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Montgomery (MCPS) anunciaron el jueves que el Superintendente Jack Smith se jubilará a partir del 1 de junio. Smith se ha desempeñado como superintendente de MCPS desde julio de 2016 y actualmente lleva un año en su segundo mandato. Antes de unirse a la comunidad de MCPS, había trabajado […]

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January 14, 2021 | Deirdre Byrne

MCPS Superintendent Jack Smith to Retire June 1

Montgomery County Public Schools announced Thursday that Superintendent Jack Smith will retire effective June 1. Smith has served as superintendent for MCPS since July 2016 and is currently one year into his second term. Before joining the MCPS community he had worked as a lifelong educator as a teacher, principal, and former interim state superintendent […]

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January 13, 2021 | Jordan Lindsay

Board of Education Seeks More Community Input on School Resource Officer Program

The Montgomery County Board of Education voted unanimously for MCPS officials to go back into the community to seek additional input regarding the School Resource Officer (SRO) Program. During a virtual board meeting on Tuesday, members discussed options including: keeping the existing SRO Program, getting rid of it, or modifying it. Some members have expressed […]

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