Five Things to Know for Nov. 29 in Montgomery County
It’s Thursday, Nov. 29, and here are five things Montgomery County residents need to know:
1. Planning Meeting: The Planning Board meets today and will work on the Veirs Mill Corridor Master Plan, among numerous other items. The meeting agenda may be found, here.
2. Listening Tour: County Executive-elect Marc Elrich is holding a meeting with residents at Olney Elementary School tonight from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Watch the meeting live here on
3. Human Rights Hall of Fame: Six residents will be inducted into the Montgomery County Human Rights Hall of Fame for their contributions to human and civil rights. The ceremony, held at BlackRock Center for the Arts in Germantown, is free and open to the public.
4. Community Meeting on US 29: The Transportation Department hosts a public workshop for their study to improve transit along US 29 between Tech Road in Burtonsville and the Silver Spring Transit Center. A formal presentation will be held at 6:30 pm followed by an open house with displays. The meeting takes place at the White Oak Recreation Center Social Hall, 1700 April Lane from 6 to 8 p.m.
5. View from the Sky: This aerial video from Grow Gaithersburg shows the Watkins Mill Road and I-270 interchange under construction.
The Watkins Mill Road & I-270 interchange will connect east & west Gaithersburg. Take a flyover of the construction. That's @KPMemberService Medical Center, Hampton Inn and Spectrum Luxury Apartments on the far side.
— Grow Gaithersburg (@GrowGburg) November 27, 2018
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