5 Things to Know Today, July 22, In Montgomery County
It’s Thursday, July 22, and here are five things to know in Montgomery County.
1. Summer Concert: There’s a free concert tonight at Glen Echo Park, located on Macarthur Boulevard. From 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., the United States Marine Band will perform. Click here to register.
Join us TONIGHT at 7:30pm for the first Summer Concert of the season! Come in person to the Bumper Car Pavilion or watch on our YouTube channel. Learn more >> https://t.co/PPv7BWf8Yr pic.twitter.com/LbhpPqsn2z
— Glen Echo Park (@glenechopark) July 1, 2021
2. COVID-19 Testing: Free COVID-19 testing is available throughout the county at 11 testing sites today including Boyds, Silver Spring, and Wheaton.
Do you need a #COVID19 test
There are #free testing clinics open around the County today. We offer testing to anyone who lives, works or regularly visits Montgomery County.
For more informationhttps://t.co/0VeDQDOxzG. pic.twitter.com/m2B68sb6T0
— Montgomery County MD (@MontgomeryCoMD) July 20, 2021
3. Community Conversation: County Councilmember Will Jawando will be hosting a community conversation at the Rockville Memorial Library at 5:30 p.m. today. Click here to register.
Please join me for an in person community conversation Thursday, 5:30PM at the Rockville Memorial Library. As Lead for Libraries on the Council, I've made it a point to visit every one of our 21 public libraries.Virtually during the pandemic, now back in person! Join us Thursday! pic.twitter.com/MdYO9yNUED
— Will Jawando (@willjawando) July 21, 2021
4. COVID-19 Vaccine: There are eight vaccine clinics scheduled around the county today, including clinics for residents ages 12 and up. Click here for more information.
There are free #COVID19 vax clinics scheduled around the County today, including a clinic for ages 12+ at the Upcounty Regional Services Center in Germantown.
Protect yourself & your loved ones. #GoVaxMontgomeryhttps://t.co/4yi2nFtPPD pic.twitter.com/rluQ2OtcQy
— Montgomery County MD (@MontgomeryCoMD) July 20, 2021
5. Long Term Ride Free Program: Montgomery County Department of Transportation’s (MCDOT) Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Ride Free Program will be implemented long-term on all County buses, including Ride On, Ride On extra, Flex, and Flash buses. The ride-free program will stay in effect even if fares are resumed on the County bus system. County buses have been free for all riders during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Have you heard
@MCDOTNow's Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Ride Free Program will be implemented long-term on all County buses including Ride On, Ride On extRa, Flex, and Flash buses.
Detailshttps://t.co/m0K4PojAib. pic.twitter.com/EKlC3xH1go
— Montgomery County MD (@MontgomeryCoMD) July 20, 2021
And as a reminder to our loyal readers…Find the latest coronavirus news updates in Montgomery County here.
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