Do you like to go out and shoot videos of your family, vacations, events etc? If you do knowing how to edit them is something you should do. A video shot and just shown is usually not the most appealing to watch. But with a little knowledge, and some tools, along with a slightly […]
Editing Video is the Answer
Every family has some form of a camera , point and shoot, maybe a step up to the SLR’s, even a small relatively inexpensive video camera. Nowadays, don’t even need a camera, still or video all you need is a phone and it can do it all. You think about all this and do a lot […]
Putting the Story Together (Photos)
The heat did not deter our backpack journalists from getting their stories the past week. They all came in this morning with a ton of footage for their stories. We started recapping their week and then dove right in to editing with Final Cut Pro 7. What an experience! Our journalist learned some new tricks […]
More Editing Fun
We have some great stories ready to go! Half of the class finished their stories today! They all had a good time today working and helping each other. I can’t wait for everyone to see what they came up with. These teens are very creative and they let it show! More editing tomorrow! Take […]
Outer Space, Fruit and tablets, Oh my
This is just something to think about , only a few pictures this time. Times sure have changed over the years. Let’s take a look back in time for a moment and see what I mean. There have been a lot of changes for those who have past 40, uh 50, well maybe 60 and […]
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