El condado de Montgomery está honrando la Semana Nacional de Seguridad en los Autobuses Escolares (del 18 al 22 de octubre) al promover su programa en línea: Rutas Seguras a la Escuela. El programa intenta hacer que caminar y andar en bicicleta sea más seguro y más atractivo para los estudiantes al enfocarse en […]
5 Things to Know Today, Oct. 19, In Montgomery County
Today is Tuesday, Oct. 19, and it is Milad an-Nabi, the Muslim holiday celebrating the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. Here are five things to know in Montgomery County. 1. Council in Session: Montgomery County Council meets virtually at 9 a.m. Here is a look at the full agenda, which includes proclamations recognizing Breast Cancer Awareness Month […]
Metro Experimenta Serios Retrasos el Lunes
Metro anunció el domingo que solo unos 40 trenes estarían en servicio el lunes, lo que representa aproximadamente el 60% de su flota ferroviaria. Metro eliminó todos sus vagones de la serie 7000 basándose en la investigación sobre el descarrilamiento de la Línea Azul de las últimas semanas. Todas las líneas de Metrorail operarán cada […]
Metro Experiences Massive Monday Slowdown
Metro announced Sunday only about 40 trains would be in service Monday, which is about 60% of its rail fleet. Metro removed all of its 7000-series railcars based on the investigation into last weeks Blue Line derailment. All Metrorail lines will operate every 30 minutes and all trains will have 6 cars. Metro is expecting […]
5 Things to Know Today, Oct. 18, In Montgomery County
Today is Monday, Oct. 18, and here are five things to know in Montgomery County. 1. Council Media Briefing: Council President Tom Hucker and Vice President Gabe Albornoz will hold a media briefing today at 11:30 a.m. to discuss new legislation being proposed to create a property tax credit for first responders. Public Health Emergency […]
Elrich Hosting Hybrid Forum Wednesday to Discuss Budget for Fiscal Year 2023
County Executive Marc Elrich will host a hybrid forum on Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. to gather community input on the FY23 operating budget. This forum will be both in person at the White Oak Community Recreation Center in Silver Spring and virtually via Microsoft Teams. Elrich will submit a budget proposal next March to […]
County Offers Bulb Exchange Program During October for Energy Action Month
October is National Energy Action Month, a federal-wide effort to promote sustainability and energy efficiency while encouraging the smart use of energy, water, and transportation resources. Here in Montgomery County, the public libraries and the Department of Environmental Protection are offering a light bulb exchange program where residents may exchange inefficient light bulbs for energy-efficient […]
Elrich Seeks Residents’ Input During Series of Budget Forums
County Executive Marc Elrich is holding a series of budget forums on the county’s next operating budget – Fiscal Year 23. Residents are invited to attend the forums in person or view them virtually via the internet. The purpose of the forums is to gather input from residents about their priorities for the next fiscal year. […]
Rockville Man Charged With Neglect in Connection with Father’s Death
A Rockville man was arrested and charged with neglect of an adult that resulted in the man’s death. Gary D. Howes, 51, was charged after a body that is believed to be his father was found decomposing in the home they shared, according to the Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office. Howes could be released on […]
Board of Elections Seeks Comments on Early Voting Centers for 2022
Anyone wishing to share their thoughts or concerns about early voting centers for the 2022 election can submit their comments to the Montgomery County Board of Elections between now and Oct. 15. The board reviews early voting centers every two years and then submits recommendations to the state Board of Elections. Comments also can be […]
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