Durante las últimas semanas, las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Montgomery (MCPS) han recibido alrededor de 70 estudiantes que MCPS cree que son menores no acompañados, dijo el vicepresidente del concejo, Gabe Albornoz, a los periodistas durante una conferencia de prensa del concejo, el lunes. Albornoz señaló que se enteró durante una reunión esa mañana […]
MCPS Has Received About 70 Unaccompanied Minors in Last Few Weeks, Albornoz Says
Over the last few weeks, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) has received about 70 students who MCPS believes are unaccompanied minors, Council Vice President Gabe Albornoz told reporters during a council media briefing Monday. Albornoz said he learned it during a meeting that morning. He said the county has experience with the situation and has […]
Latest Installment of MCPS Online Career Talk Series Features Healthcare Workers
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) will be holding a new installment of “Let’s Talk Careers”. The new installment is scheduled for 10–11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 28. The career series is held monthly by MCPS students who discuss different career journeys with professionals, leaders and entrepreneurs from a variety of fields. According to MCPS, confirmed […]
Deadline Approaches for Schedule Adjustments for Secondary Students
In an effort to improve the student/teacher experience in virtual learning at the secondary level, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) is giving students the option to adjust their schedules for the second semester. Middle school and high school students will be given more flexible options such as requesting an abbreviated schedule to lighten their course […]
Council to Discuss Police-Student Incident Shown in Recently Released Body Camera Video
The Montgomery County Council will hold a discussion Tuesday afternoon regarding Montgomery County Police Department’s (MCPD) response to a 2020 incident — in which body camera footage shows officers screaming at and handcuffing a kindergartner who left his school. The council will hold the discussion at 2:30 p.m. as part of its Tuesday session. MCPD […]
Tuesday Will Be Virtual Learning Day for All MCPS Students
Tuesday, the first day that Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) students resume classes post-spring break, will be a virtual instruction day for all students. The recommendation was made “given the concerns raised about the immediate return in the building following spring break, when we know that families, our community members, our staff may travel,” said […]
At Home, Digital Testing Will be Default Option for AP Exams When Possible
At home, digital Advanced Placement (AP) exams will be, when possible, the default option for Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) students this semester, school officials discussed during a meeting last week. This strategy accommodates distancing, supports operational needs during reopening and builds on “lessons learned last year,” said Scott Murphy, director of MCPS College and […]
MCPS Recommends Outdoor Graduations at Home High School Stadiums
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) is recommending that senior graduation ceremonies be held outdoors at students’ home high school stadiums, officials said during a school board meeting Tuesday. MCPS considered three plans for high school graduation ceremonies in 2021, explained James Koutsos, Area Associate Superintendent of Teaching, Learning and Schools. Plan A is a traditional, […]
Un Año Después de que COVID-19 Impactara el Condado de Montgomery
Esta semana, el país cumplió un año desde que la vida tal como la conocíamos cambió con el COVID-19, que se extendió por todo el mundo y comenzó a afectar al condado de Montgomery. Hasta la fecha, ha habido más de 64,000 casos confirmados solo en el condado. Los primeros tres casos de COVID-19 en […]
From ‘If’ to ‘Worst Case Scenario’: One Year After COVID-19 Impacted Montgomery County
This week, the country marked one year since life as we knew it changed with COVID-19 sweeping across the world and started to affect Montgomery County. To date, there have been more than 64,000 confirmed cases in the county alone. The first three cases of COVID-19 in Maryland were confirmed in Montgomery County on March […]
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