Montgomery County’s Department of Alcohol Beverage Services (ABS) announced that the County Council confirmed Kathie Durbin as its new director. Durbin, who served as the acting director of ABS over the last four months, will be the first woman to lead the department. Durbin is a lifelong Montgomery County resident. Before working in local government, […]
Lanzan Programa que Promueve La Responsabilidad Tras el Volante
En vista del Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre el Alcohol, el Departamento de Servicios de Bebidas Alcohólicas (ABS, por sus siglas en inglés) del condado de Montgomery lanzó un “Programa de Pausa” en asociación con Brown-Forman, un fabricante de licores. El programa insta a los residentes a “hacer una pausa” y tomar decisiones responsables al […]
County Alcohol Beverage Services Launches Program Encouraging Responsible Driving Decisions
In light of April being National Alcohol Awareness Month, Montgomery County’s Department of Alcohol Beverage Services (ABS) launched a “Pause Program” in partnership with spirits manufacturer Brown-Forman. The program encourages residents to “pause” and make responsible decisions when buying drinks to-go. During the COVID-19 health crisis, the Montgomery County Board of License Commissioners approved a […]
Five Things to Know for Dec. 12 in Montgomery County
It’s Wednesday, Dec. 12., Christmas is in 13 days, and here are five things to know in Montgomery County. 1. Wondering what to do about PSAT scores?: Aaron Golumbfskie, the education director at PrepMatters is answering PSAT questions to help parents and students understand what kind of testing they need to focus on when it comes to […]
DLC Official: Hearing Scheduled to Review Rockville Hooters Liquor License (VIDEO)
A Hooters restaurant located on Rockville Pike could potentially lose its liquor license for allegedly over-serving an intoxicated patron who has plead guilty to driving and fatally striking Montgomery County Police Officer Noah Leotta in December 2015. In this MyMCMedia Extra video, below, Kathie Durbin, division chief at the Montgomery County Department of Liquor Control, talks […]
Keeping it Safe Awards Recognize Work to Prevent Underage Drinking (PHOTOS)
Three Department of Liquor Control employees were honored today for their work to deter underage drinking in the county. They each received a Community Service Award from the Keeping It Safe (KIS) coalition at an award ceremony at Police Headquarters early this morning. Keeping it Safe (KIS) is a coalition established in 1992 with the […]
DLC to Host Statewide Alcohol Regulatory Forum in Gaithersburg
Montgomery County’s Department of Liquor Control (DLC) is scheduled to host the eighth annual Maryland Statewide Alcohol Beverage Forum from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesday at 201 Edison Park Drive in Gaithersburg. The event, funded by the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association (NABCA), brings together alcohol license administrators and alcohol enforcement from Maryland […]
Battling Underage Drinking in Montgomery County (VIDEO)
Montgomery County’s Department of Liquor Control (DLC) has partnered with the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration’s (MVA) Highway Safety Office to develop and print 2015 identification (ID) checking calendars for distribution to every establishment in the County with a liquor license to help ensure that underage patrons cannot buy alcohol. The ID checking calendar is part […]
Nighttime Economy Task Force Presents Final Report (Video)
After six months of studying ways to improve the county’s nightlife, the Nighttime Economy Task Force has forwarded its recommendations to the County Executive. MyMCMedia’s Sonya Burke reports. You can review the recommendations online:
Department of Liquor Control Reports Increase in Illegal Sales
The number of county businesses caught selling alcohol to minors has increased slightly from last year, according to a report from Montgomery County’s Department of Liquor Control following their annual compliance check program. Of the 400 businesses tested for the 2013 check, 72 percent passed successfully in turning away underage minors. The number of businesses […]
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