DLC to Host Statewide Alcohol Regulatory Forum in Gaithersburg

liquorcontrolMontgomery County’s Department of Liquor Control (DLC) is scheduled to host the eighth annual Maryland Statewide Alcohol Beverage Forum from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesday at 201 Edison Park Drive in Gaithersburg. The event, funded by the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association (NABCA), brings together alcohol license administrators and alcohol enforcement from Maryland counties to network and discuss legislative priorities, trends and best practices.

The forum works closely with members of the Maryland Alcohol Licensing Association (MALA). The organization’s newly appointed president is Kathy Vahle Dean, administrator of the Frederick County Liquor Board; Kathie Durbin, division chief of Licensure, Regulation and Education of the Montgomery County Department of Liquor Control is the newly appointed Vice President and chair of the statewide Legislative Committee.

The focus of the forum will be the national, state and local three-tier system model, regulatory trends and best practices. Speakers include the National Alcohol Beverage Association (NABCA); Lou Berman from the Maryland State Comptroller’s Office; Kevin Atticks, CEO of Grow & Fortify, executive director of both the Maryland Wineries Association and Brewers Association of Maryland and director of the Maryland Distillers Guild; and Brad Krevor of the Responsible Retailing Forum.

For more information, or to register for the forum, contact Emily DeTitta at 240.777.1904 or dlc@montgomerycountymd.gov. Registration is mandatory and space is limited.

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