El Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos está organizando un evento el miércoles 13 de octubre a las 7:00 p.m. a través de su página de Facebook, en español y gratis, para las personas interesadas en aprender más sobre los recursos y programas de cuidado infantil. MyMCM conversó con Jennifer Arnáiz, Gerente del Programa de […]
Montgomery Recibe el Primer Envío de Vacunas de Johnson & Johnson
El gobierno del condado de Montgomery anunció en Twitter que el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos recibió su primer envío de 1,600 dosis de las vacunas COVID-19 de Johnson & Johnson / Janssen. A diferencia de las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna, solo se necesita una dosis de la vacuna Johnson & Johnson para combatir […]
Montgomery County DHHS Receives First Shipment of Johnson & Johnson Vaccines
Montgomery County Government announced on Twitter that the Department of Health and Human Services has received its first shipment of 1,600 doses of the Johnson & Johnson/Janssen COVID-19 vaccines. Unlike the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, only one dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is necessary to fight the coronavirus. 🆕 @MoCoDHHS has received its […]
County to Host Zoom Session on Transportation Options for Older Residents
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation will hold an online Zoom session on Nov. 18 about the various transportation options that are available to older residents and adults with disabilities. According to a news release, the virtual meeting will take place from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., and will be followed by a 30-minute Q&A. […]
Coyote Tests Positive for Rabies After Rockville Attacks
After attacking three people in Rockville on Thursday, the coyote that was put down by police tested positive for rabies, the city confirmed. Rockville City Police responded to several calls about a coyote attacking residents throughout the day on Thursday. A 59-year-old woman and her dog, a 12-year-old boy, and a 39-year-old woman were the […]
Cierran Dos Negocios en Montgomery por Violaciones de COVID-19
Los inspectores del condado de Montgomery visitaron cuatro negocios el fin de semana pasado, cerraron temporalmente uno y ordenaron a otro que cesara y desistiera. Se ordenó a Rockville Escape Room que cesara y desistiera y también recibirá una citación civil, según los documentos de inspección del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos del condado […]
Two County Businesses Shut Down for COVID-19 Violations
Montgomery County inspectors visited four businesses last weekend, temporarily closing one and ordering another to cease and desist. Rockville Escape Room was ordered to cease and desist and will also receive a civil citation, according to inspection documents from the county Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Inspectors visited Friday and found the business […]
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