Monday was the unofficial end of summer, and it was the unofficial start of the political season. With parades in Kensington and Gaithersburg, politicians were out in full force. Here’s what the four declared candidates for county executive have to say about what voters are telling them at this early stage of the campaign: We […]
Montgomery County Candidates Criticize Donald Trump’s Response to Charlottesville Protest (VIDEO)
Following President Donald Trump’s recent statement on a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia that left one woman dead and dozens injured, a few Democratic candidates running for the Montgomery County Council and a candidate running for the Maryland House of Delegates, held a news conference early Wednesday to denounce Trump’s statement. During a news […]
MoCo Votes Blog: Part One
MyMCMedia political posts through July 31st. Find more current political posts, here. The 2018 Gubernatorial Primary Election is set for June 26, 2018, and it’s sure to be a historic election for Montgomery County. When voters go to the polls, they will will elect a governor, a state legislature, a county executive, a County Council, […]
Free Range Parenting Couple Cleared in Second Neglect Case
The county’s Child Protective Services has dropped neglect charges in the second case against a Silver Spring couple at the center of the “free range parenting case.” According to a news release from the couple’s lawyer office, CPS has dropped all cases against the couple. Danielle and Alexander Meitiv received a letter from CPS on June […]
Free Range Parenting Couple Cleared of Neglect
UPDATED: The county’s Child Protective Services has dropped neglect charges in one case against a Silver Spring couple at the center of the “free range parenting case, but the couple now is planning a civil suit against the agency and the Montgomery County Police in the case. Danielle and Alexander Meitiv have been notified that charges […]
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