Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich released a Climate Action Plan with 86 measures to cut greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by 100% by 2035 compared to 2005 levels and help mitigate climate change risks. “We’ve got to treat this kind of like we treated COVID[-19],” Elrich said during a press conference unveiling the plan Wednesday. “With […]
Subvenciones Disponibles para Organizaciones sin Fines de Lucro de Minorías y Mujeres
La Corporación de Desarrollo Económico del Condado de Montgomery (MCEDC por sus siglas en inglés) ofrece subvenciones para organizaciones sin fines de lucro locales que se centran en el espíritu empresarial de minorías y mujeres, educación STEM, desarrollo de innovación en investigación o fabricación a pequeña escala. MyMCM conversó con Daniel Parra, Director de Diversidad […]
UPDATE: Teen Found Dead in Fairland Area; Police Begin Homicide Investigation
Update (June 24, 10:25 a.m.) Detectives with the Montgomery County Police Department are investigating the homicide of 18-year-old Kennedy Merrit-Millit of Rockville. Investigators say they do not believe this is a random incident. On Tuesday, officers responded to the report of a shooting in the Fairland area shortly after 11:00 p.m. Merrit-Millit was found lying on […]
5 Things to Know Today, June 24, In Montgomery County
Today is Thursday, June 24, and here are five things to know in Montgomery County. 1. County COVID-19 Media Briefing: Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich will host his weekly virtual media briefing today at noon to provide COVID-19 updates. Watch it live here. Thursday, at noon, @MontCoExec Marc Elrich will provide #COVID19 updates at his weekly media briefing. 📺 Watch […]
Elrich Unveils Climate Plan ‘Among the Most Ambitious in the World’ to Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions
On Wednesday, Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich unveiled the county’s Climate Action Plan. At the Marian Fryer Town Plaza in Downtown Wheaton, Elrich said the county’s climate goals aim to cut greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by 80% by 2027 and 100% by 2035 compared to 2005 levels. “They are among the most ambitious in the […]
Grant Funds Available for Nonprofits That Focus on Minority and Women Entrepreneurship
The Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation [MCEDC] is offering grant funding for local nonprofits that focus on minority and women entrepreneurship, STEM education, research innovation development, or small-scale manufacturing. Funds ranging from $10,000 to $20,000 will be awarded to local organizations that create and sustain jobs. Applications will become available on July 6. Montgomery County Council […]
Hogan Levantará el Estado de Emergencia de Maryland por COVID-19 el 1 de Julio
El gobernador Larry Hogan anunció planes para levantar el estado de emergencia de Maryland el 1 de julio. La acción pondría fin a todos los mandatos y restricciones del estado relacionados con COVID-19. Hogan declaró el estado de emergencia el 5 de marzo de 2020, el mismo día que anunció que tres residentes del condado […]
Albornoz Exhorta a los Residentes a Usar la Mascarilla si aún no se han Vacunado
En la rueda de prensa semanal del lunes 21 para los medios, el vicepresidente del Concejo del Condado de Montgomery Gabe Albornoz respondió sobre el uso de las mascarillas, ahora que se han levantado las restricciones del Covid-19 a nivel estatal y local. Albornoz exhorta a los residentes a seguir usando las mascarilla si aún […]
Moratoria de Desalojo Termina el 15 de Agosto; Montgomery Ofrece Ayuda a Inquilinos
La moratoria de desalojo por pérdida de ingresos relacionada con COVID-19 termina el 15 de agosto. Algunos residentes que no pueden pagar el alquiler podrían enfrentar un posible desalojo, pero los líderes del condado de Montgomery dicen que el Programa de Alivio de Alquiler está ayudando a los inquilinos más necesitados. El vicepresidente del Concejo […]
Eviction Moratorium Ends August 15; County Offering Rent Relief to Residents in Need
The eviction moratorium for COVID-19-related income loss ends on August 15. Some local residents who can’t pay rent could face possible housing displacement, but Montgomery County leaders say the Rent Relief Program is helping those in need. Council President Tom Hucker and Vice President Gabe Albornoz explain the importance of residents reaching out to get […]
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