Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich will provide a briefing on the county’s COVID-19 response efforts Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. The briefing will be broadcast on MCM channels 21 and 995 (HD), County Cable Montgomery and on the county’s Facebook page and YouTube channel. Typically, Elrich is joined by Montgomery County Health Officer Dr. Travis Gayles who is on […]
County Health Officer Dr. Travis Gayles Resigns
Montgomery County Health Officer Dr. Travis Gayles has resigned effective Sept. 12. County Executive Marc Elrich announced Gayles informed him of the decision Wednesday morning. He held the position since Sept. 2017 leading public health decision-making for the county throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Elrich said Health and Human Services Director Dr. Raymond Crowel will work […]
County Launches First Community Solar Panel Program
The Paddington Square Apartments complex in Silver Spring is the site of Montgomery County’s first community solar panel project, leaders announced at the residences Tuesday. The 286 kilowatts of solar panel energy will be subscribed to county households in increments of about three kilowatts per household, Montgomery County Green Bank CEO Tom Deyo said. Those […]
5,800+ Households Have Received County COVID-19 Rental Assistance
More than 5,800 households in Montgomery County received rental assistance so far during the COVID-19 pandemic, leaders shared during a press conference Thursday. $32 million has been distributed and Phase 3 of the county’s Rent Relief Program offers an additional $59 million. Tenants who are interested must meet the following criteria, according to the county: […]
Líderes Regionales y del Condado Exploran el Uso del Pasaporte de Vacunas COVID-19
Los pasaportes de la vacuna COVID-19 pueden ser parte de nuestro futuro, dijeron los líderes del condado de Montgomery durante una conferencia de prensa virtual, el miércoles. “Estamos teniendo conversaciones con otros líderes regionales y yo apoyo el desarrollo de un pasaporte de vacunación regional o estatal”, dijo el ejecutivo del condado Marc Elrich. No […]
County and Regional Leaders Explore COVID-19 Vaccine Passports
COVID-19 vaccine passports may be in our future, Montgomery County leaders said during a virtual media briefing Wednesday. “We’re having discussions with other regional leaders and I support the development of a regional or statewide vaccination passport,” County Executive Marc Elrich said. It would not be effective in just one county, he said. In New […]
After Pandemic Cancellation Last Year, Police and Residents Connect In-Person for National Night Out
Montgomery County leaders and public safety officials joined residents at neighborhood events Tuesday for National Night Out. The annual event is meant for police to connect with residents and for leaders to encourage community relationships with law enforcement. Residents could also learn about crime prevention and other safety information or about county resources like COVID-19 […]
Public Safety Leaders, Police Officers Join Residents for National Night Out
Law enforcement leaders joined residents at numerous neighborhood block parties in Montgomery County for National Night Out on Tuesday. The event allows police to connect with residents and leaders to encourage community relationships with law enforcement. Residents could learn about crime prevention and how to avoid being victims of scams. Fire marshals educated residents about […]
El Condado Podría Restablecer el Mandato de Uso de Mascarillas en los Espacios Cerrados
El ejecutivo del condado de Montgomery, Marc Elrich, quiere restablecer el mandato COVID-19 del uso de las mascarillas en lugares cerrados, si la jurisdicción alcanza lo que Los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC, por sus siglas en inglés) definen como “transmisión sustancial”: 50 casos nuevos por cada 100,000 residentes durante […]
Elrich Sets Benchmark for Reinstating Indoor Mask Mandate
Update (2:15 p.m.): The county council, sitting as the Board of Health, will discuss and vote on the regulation next week on Thursday, Aug. 5 per a release from Montgomery County. Original (1:30 p.m.): Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich wants to reinstate the COVID-19 indoor mask mandate if the jurisdiction reaches what the CDC defines […]
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