Last week, 98 South Lake Elementary School students received COVID-19 vaccines that were diluted “more than recommended” at an on-site clinic, Montgomery County said in a release Monday evening. South Lake Parent and Action in Montgomery (AIM) Member Adama Moussa Harouna said she felt confused and disappointed. Her two children, five and ten years old, were […]
98 Elementary School Students Received Diluted COVID-19 Vaccine
98 South Lake Elementary School students were given an incorrect amount of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine at an on-site clinic last Wednesday, according to a release from Montgomery County. “The affected children received doses of the Pfizer vaccine that were diluted more than recommended,” per the release. Parents/guardians of those students were being notified by phone […]
Residents Vaccinated at Clinic and Food Distribution Site at Lakeforest Mall
Nonprofits Cross Community and MobileMed partnered to offer a food distribution site and COVID-19 vaccine clinic at Lakeforest Mall in Gaithersburg. A food distribution was held at the mall on April 8. Residents were invited to register for a vaccine appointment and return Friday to get vaccinated, and pick up a box of food on […]
Gayles, Elrich Reemphasize Importance of COVID-19 Testing
Montgomery County Health Officer Dr. Travis Gayles reemphasized the importance of getting tested for COVID-19 during a council meeting Tuesday. In response to a question from Councilmember Craig Rice, Gayles said the county wants to prevent another wave of cases and then another wave of lockdowns that some European countries, like Italy, are currently dealing […]
Hogan Announces Vaccine Equity Operations Plan
Maryland has launched a COVID-19 vaccine equity plan, Gov. Larry Hogan announced at a press conference Thursday. “Today, to build on all of the months of comprehensive effort, we are announcing the very first vaccine equity operations plan of any state in America to further address health disparities and the issue of equity and to […]
Firefighter on Being a Vaccinator: ‘It’s a Great Feeling You Really Can’t Explain’
Ojibwa Miller, a master firefighter paramedic with Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service (MCFRS), is administering COVID-19 vaccines to seniors at county clinics. Miller, a 19-year-veteran of the fire department, told MyMCM that he was initially apprehensive about receiving and giving the vaccine, but now stands behind it and says being a vaccinator is a […]
100-Year-Old Resident Receives COVID-19 Vaccine in Silver Spring
Harvey Zeigler, a 100-year-old Montgomery County resident, received his COVID-19 vaccine at the East County Community Recreation Center in Silver Spring on Sunday. The county health department is operating COVID-19 vaccination clinics that aim to provide better access to residents in underserved areas, according to the county. Vaccine appointments are being offered to seniors in […]
Heroin: “The Quiet Epidemic” in Montgomery County (VIDEO)
County Cable Montgomery has produced a 30-minute video report about the heroin epidemic in Montgomery County. You can watch the show in its entirety, below:
HHS Busy Helping Residents Meet Open Enrollment Deadline (VIDEO)
With the deadline fast approaching, Montgomery County Health and Human Services case workers have been busy assisting an influx of residents who need help applying and navigating the health insurance open enrollment process. County Cable Montgomery’s Lorna Virgili reports. Visit our PEG partner County Cable Montgomery to view more of its local programming.
New Adventist Urgent Care Opens in Rockville (VIDEO)
Adventist HealthCare, an organization that provides health services based in Gaithersburg, opened its first urgent care facility in Rockville. The new clinic is a partnership between Adventist HealthCare and Centra Care- an urgent care provider with 26 centers in Florida. It’s Centra’s first center in Maryland. Although the place has been open for more than a […]
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