Tres miembros del personal que trabajan en la escuela secundaria Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. en Germantown dieron positivo por COVID-19, dijeron las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Montgomery (MCPS), el lunes. El 15 de octubre fue el último día que uno de los empleados estuvo en la escuela, dijo MCPS en un mensaje comunitario. […]
Three Employees at Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School Test Positive for COVID-19
Three staff members working at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School in Germantown have tested positive for COVID-19, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) said Monday. Oct. 15 was the last day one of the employees was at the school, MCPS said in a community message. Anyone who worked with the three staff members has […]
Blair High School Seniors Pledge to Drive Responsibly
On Thursday morning, Councilmember Will Jawando hosted a launch event for the safe driving initiative, #DrivingItHome, at his alma mater of Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring. The initiative was started in Feb. 2019 by Prince George’s Council Member Monique Anderson-Walker. Anderson-Walker launched the initiative after a series of deadly collisions on Indian Head […]
Girl, 9, Dies After Getting Off School Bus in Bethesda
A 9-year-old girl died after getting off her school bus, a Montgomery County police statement said. The girl was struck about 3:49 p.m. at Tanglewood Drive and Millwood Road in Bethesda, police said. Police have not released the identity of the girl. She was a student at Bradley Hills Elementary School, 8701 Hartsdale Ave, Bethesda. […]
Bradley Hills Elementary School Ranks First in Maryland for Scholastic Reading Challenge
Bradley Hills Elementary School in Bethesda placed first for Maryland in the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge this past summer. The students read more than 8,000 hours during their summer vacation! Maryland’s First Lady Yumi Hogan visited Bradley Hills ES Dec. 4 to congratulate the students. First Lady Yumi Hogan served as Reading Ambassador for this year's […]
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