Residents Invited to Provide Input on BRT Planning Study on Feb. 7, Feb.8

Officials from the Maryland Department of Transportation’s Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) are inviting residents to attend two open houses for input on a study for developing the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) along a portion of the MD 355 corridor, according to a news release.

The open houses, in partnership with the Montgomery County Department of Transportation, will be held on Feb. 7 & 8 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Those in attendance will have the opportunity to review and provide comments on the conceptual alternatives, results of preliminary analysis, station design concepts and the steps moving forward.

The goal of the meetings is to determine which conceptual alternatives should be refined and studied in more detail during the next phase of the BRT study.

The meetings will be held at the following locations:

  • Tuesday, February 7, 2017:Montgomery College – Germantown, Bioscience Education Building, 20200 Observation Drive
  • Wednesday, February 8, 2017:Executive Office Building, Cafeteria – Terrace Level, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville

The MD 355 BRT Corridor Planning Study is identifying transportation needs and evaluating potential alternatives for accommodating enhanced transit service via BRT along 21.2 miles of the MD 355 corridor (North and South) from the Bethesda Metro Station to Redgrove Place in Clarksburg.

Click here to find out more details about BRT.

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