Friday Night Lights: The Thrill and Agony (PHOTOS)

4A West Regional Championship between Northwest and Quince OrchardThank ABC’s Wide World of Sports and broadcaster Jim McKay for one of sports television’s greatest spoken phrases: “… the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.”

It is always at this time of year during state championship playoffs when this part of sports phraseology becomes so real.

The money shot for sports photographers are the smiling faces of the victors, the pile at midfield, the game winning home run, the buzzer beater shot to win a championship. Having covered many championship runs by local high school teams I have my fair share of victory and defeat images, from smiles to tears. To me it’s always the sullen looks or contemplative poses upon those who have lost that grab and hold you most in the moment.

For the competitors at the end, it’s all on the field. You and they can sense it in the screams of joy for the winners and the sobbing consolation of the defeated. It’s all there within earshot and camera view.

It is a defining moment in young person’s lifetime – for some the great feelings should never end, for others it becomes a moment they do not want to relive, and then for some it becomes a challenge to try even harder not to feel that agony again.

These feelings are momentary and maybe they last only a week until the next challenge comes along. But it is a part of life in competitive sports, someone has to win and someone has to lose. Lucky are those who learn to balance both emotional swings that come with the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.

Here are some of those final moment images of a well-fought 4a West Region championship football game from last Friday night in Gaithersburg in which Northwest was the victor and Quince Orchard the vanquished.

PHOTOS | Phil Fabrizio, @Photoloaf

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Phil Fabrizio

About Phil Fabrizio

Phil Fabrizio is an event, news and sports photographer in the Washington D.C. Metro area. He lives in North Potomac and has operated Sugarloaf Photography since 1985. He is a member of the Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce and serves on the board of the Glen Echo Partnership for Arts and Culture, Inc in Glen Echo. Stop by Phil's PhotoLoaf site or follow him on Twitter @Photoloaf. Find Phil's blog on MyMCMedia here.


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