‘Fitness Inspo’: Adina Crawford Challenges Women Of Color To Get Moving
Adina Crawford is a local fitness luminary that inspires people in our community to get out and get moving.
“I think it’s really important we uplift and encourage other women to move. I don’t care what race, age, type of runner you are” she wrote.
Crawford is a fitness ambassador for many organizations including “Black Girls Run”, Zooma National, Black Girls Do Bike, Nuun, Asweatlife, Run 4 All Women and a Wellness Champion for Montgomery County Government. She has used her platform to inspire others to begin their journeys in fitness and even those who are continuing.
What advice would you have for anyone wanting to begin their fitness journey?
“Know where you are and start slow. Make a commitment to YOURSELF, remind yourself daily this is YOUR journey, stay off the scale and know you are your biggest cheerleader, lastly don’t be discouraged .”
In an interview with Missheard Media, she began her fitness journey after realizing the effects of what an inactive lifestyle can have on personal health. She said, “I came from a non-active family. As a caretaker, I watched family members pass away. I’m Caribbean, the food isn’t the healthiest either. It was time for a change.”
Crawford noted that a few years ago that there were not many people of color running in marathons. Cardiovascular disease and cancer are two of the leading causes of death for people of color in the US, according to research found in the National Library of Health Medicine and NIH. There are groups like ‘Black Girls Run’ and ‘Black Girls Do Bike’ that were created to inspire more people of color to take control of their health.
Why did you decide to join ‘Black Girls Run’?
“I joined Black Girls Run because I needed more accountability in my fitness routine. I will tell you that was the best fitness decision I made. I have culminated so many accountability partners along with opportunities to grow within my own running journey. BGR has been a lifesaver for me!!! I have become more consistent with my overall fitness and at the same time encouraging others to keep pushing forward in their goals.”
As an ambassador for various fitness groups, she began to see change first hand “…more and more women of color are hitting the pavement, and are becoming more accepted in the running community.”
Crawford has shared the stories of others on their fitness journeys in hopes that their personal experiences will inspire others. To check out the inspiring stories she shared with MCM, click here.
Yes I enjoyed the article. I am a student at Montgomery College. I was with BGR but schedule has changed and normally can’t find any one to run/walk during my hours. It is very important to have some form of exercise throughout the week on a daily base. I would love to start over again. Thanks for sharing.
Eat right and RUN!!! Thanks Adina you helped me go from 230 to 199 and still shredding. You are phenomenal. An inspiration to all women of color and more. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death among women of color. But with your help, sweat and tears each and every time you challenge us to do better for ourselves it brings that count down. Thanks again Adina for your commitment and hard work. You are truly a blessing. Keep up the good work and keep moving!!!!!
Thank you. We are all on this journey together. One mile at a time!!!!