Suburban Women Hitting the Pavement in Montgomery County

My name is Adina Crawford and my life was transformed about ten years ago when I discovered my fitness journey.

Five years ago, you wouldn’t see many people of color running 5ks, 10ks—and I’m a triathoner—and you wouldn’t see them out there either. But more and more women of color are hitting the pavement, and are becoming more accepted in the running community. When it comes to running, I pass no judgement on anyone whether you walk, jog, or skip. All you have to do is move. When people make excuses, I say, “Well what about your health?”

I think it’s really important we uplift and encourage other women to move. I don’t care what race, age, type of runner you are. But I came from a family who never exercised, so I got a lot of goals and ambitions to keep moving. I may not be the fastest, but that’s where I’m at. Be the light for somebody else.

I serve as the  Black Girls Run DC ambassador and support amazing women in our area as they transform their lives through running. Follow me in my blog to hear their amazing stories on their fitness journeys.