Father of Missing Clarksburg Children: ‘I Just Want My Babies Home’ (VIDEO)
It’s been almost two years since siblings Sarah and Jacob Hoggle disappeared from their Clarksburg home in September of 2014.
Their mother, Catherine Hoggle, is the last known person to have seen the two children, and she has been charged by police with neglect, obstruction and hindering. She has been found incompetent to stand trial, and remains at a state hospital where she is being treated for mental health issues.
Despite police and community searches there has been no sign of the missing children. Their father, Troy Turner, has searched for his children every day since they disappeared, and he said it doesn’t get easier.
“Every day is a day too long. It just gets worse. It’s not better,” Turner said. “Every day is too long.”
In this MyMCMedia Extra video, below, Turner explains exactly what he is feeling as the second anniversary of his children’s disappearance approaches.
You can find more information about the missing children and efforts to locate them on the family’s Facebook page.
Their grandmother, Lindsey Hoggle, recently posted on her Facebook page (see below) that she remains determined to find Sarah and Jacob.
On Sept. 27th, Catherine Hoggle is scheduled to be back in a Rockville district courtroom for a status hearing.
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