A Busy Week

Despite the Labor Day holiday, it’s been a busy week at MCM (Montgomery Community Media).

MyMCMedia’s Sonya Burke and Chan Robbins (who finished first in his age group) at the Kentlands 5K.

On September 1, I covered the Kentlands-Lakelands 5K race in Gaithersburg. This is the 19th year for the race that has grown into the largest 5K race in Montgomery County. A good portion of the proceeds go to charity and there were so many stories to cover at this event that it was challenging to boil our coverage down to the two minutes we are allotted for our Montgomery Channel on Location package. On this day, we talked to the Mayor of Gaithersburg and two Council members who were racing for bragging rights. (That was fun.) Also,  met Chan Robbins of Arlington a senior runner who took home the top prize in his age category and whose sheer love of running was contagious and delightful. Saw a lot of friends and neighbors at this event and was blown away by some of the fast finishes, including a teen who lives in my neighborhood. Wish we could have told all of these  awesome stories. We have posted some video extras on our site from our interviews too. Check them out and you will hear one story about a runner who actually decided to buy a house in the Kentlands neighborhood after running the scenic course during a previous race.

The rains stayed away for the Gaithersburg Labor Day Parade.

On Monday, Sept. 3,  despite the cloudy sky the rains stayed away for the Gaithersburg Labor Day Parade. If you missed the event, I’ve posted some photos on our website and Facebook page.  Also, took some photos at a pet swim in Quince Orchard Park. You can find those photos on our Facebook page too.

Also, attended the Gaithersburg Book Festival Committee meeting on Sept. 5 as planning for the May 18, 2013 event is well underway. Look for this story next week and you will learn about some changes in the works and find out how you can get involved.

Gaithersburg Book Festival volunteers meet to plan the May 18, 2013 event.

We welcomed MCM productions, “21 This Week” and “Montgomery Week in Review” back to the studio this week after a hiatus in August. You can watch these new shows this week.

Our production crews were also out in the field scouting out locations in Silver Spring for the upcoming Sept. 8 Jazz Festival and the  Sept. 19 Arts and Humanities Summit.

Finally, we introduced three new bloggers to our website this week: Gaithersburg City Council member Michael Sesma and Montgomery County Council members Valerie Ervin and Hans Riemer are blogging from the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte.  Their insider accounts are so well-written that you may feel like you spent the day with them after reading their posts and perusing their photos. We can’t thank them enough for taking the time to share their insights and experiences.

In case you missed his posts the week before, Montgomery County’s GOP Chairman Mark Uncapher blogged on our site from the Republican National Convention in Tampa.

We are looking for more bloggers and hope you will consider adding your voice to our site too.



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Sonya Burke

About Sonya Burke

Sonya Burke is the Multimedia Manager at Montgomery Community Media (MCM). You can email story ideas at sburke@mymcmedia.org or reach her on Twitter @SonyaNBurke.


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