Winter Sunsets (PHOTOS)
Sunsets are fleeting and winters ones are even more so. On summer evenings you tend to be outdoors enjoying a late evening cutting the grass or relaxing with neighbors on the stoop or deck. The sunset creeps up slowly and eventually burns away. On the other hand you have to anticipate winter sunsets. There is no daylight savings time, the hour of the day when the sun goes down sneaks up on you. You don’t spend as much time outdoors during the winter months.
That for me sums up my attempt to be photo ready for a sunset. If you have a place in mind – well you have to be there in time.
Yesterday the warm red glow of a beautiful sky came in the basement sliding doors – clueing me into the fact that I had no idea what the sky was like outdoors. I went upstairs and outside to move the freshly washed cars into the garage when I discovered that a brilliant electric sunset was spreading across the entire evening sky.
The place I had in mind to catch a winter’s sunset was 15 minutes away and by the time I would get there it would be dark. So my next best option was to quickly grab the camera and walk up the street a half a block to see if I could capture a glowing, unobstructed horizon. I got the sky but the lower horizon was fraught with bare trees, snow banks and dark houses. All photos were taken within a radius of about 25 feet. So I clicked away anyways and figured I would make something of it.
Below are 4 processed images – the originals on the right side and the highly manipulated copied version on the left. Here is looking at something of it.
Phil Fabrizio | @Photoloaf | Photos
- Textured Print Susnet
- Original for Textured Print
- Last Peak of a Gray Sunset
- Original for Last Peak of Gray
- Electric Glow Sunset
- Original for Electric Glow
- Tree Top Sunset in Blue
- Original for Tree Top
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