White Oak Library to Host Speculative Writing Workshop

White Oak Library in Silver Spring will host a virtual sci-fi/fantasy/horror writing workshop on Thursday, June 18 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The event will be exclusive to speculative fiction writers and those who are interested in learning about the genre.

To participate in this event, attendees will need to choose a prompt and write a response of 300 words. The writing prompts to choose from are:

  • The other elves left for the Undying Lands. You didn’t.
  • You go back in time to meet your hero/heroine. The history books were wrong.
  • You died in your dream. You wake up. Everything is subtly off.
  • Once again, the fortune cookie knows too much about you.

This event is intended for adults and senior citizens. Throughout the event, attendees will read and discuss each other’s writings, share tips for improvement and gain inspiration from each other.

To register while seats last, please go to White Oak Library’s event page. Further instructions on how to get the Zoom link are available on their page.

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Aiesha Solomon

About Aiesha Solomon

I'm a Summer 2020 Intern and have the most fun writing about events taking place in my community, but I'm happy to write about anything as long as I have the right information.


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