All You Need to Know About the Snow
A winter storm warning has been issued for Montgomery County by the National Weather Service, and officials are urging residents to be prepared.
The winter storm warning calls for heavy mixed precipitation with an expected 4 to 6 inches of snow. Officials say the warning goes into effect at 1 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 20, and will run through 7 p.m.
Subscribe to Alert Montgomery https://member.everbridge.net/index/1332612387832009#/login for the latest information. Alerts can be sent to one or more electronic devices, including cell phones, text pagers, wireless PDAs, and home and work emails.
Headline emergency information will be posted on the homepage of the Montgomery County website. https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/
For winter weather tips, information about who plows your street and more, visit the county’s Winter Storm Information Portal.
More information is provided through the county’s Twitter Feed https://twitter.com/MontgomeryCoMD and Facebook page.
In case of a power outage, here is a list of utility phone numbers:
- PEPCO: 1-877-737-2662:
- BG&E: 1-877-778-2222;
- Potomac Edison/First Energy: 1-888-544-4877;
- Washington Gas: 703-750-1000 (Smell strong odor of gas, leave site and call 9-1-1) and
- WSSC-Emergencies: 301-206-4002.
Officials say during a power outage, relying on battery-operated lights, rather than candles, is safer. Using candles increases the risk of a fire.
The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) is also preparing ahead of the expected snowfall on Wednesday.
As the storm transitions from snow to sleet and rain, officials say there is a significant chance for icy road conditions. Crews are prepared, and the roads have been pre-treated with salt brine.
MDOT officials say truckers can locate park and rides for shelter by clicking this link: https://www.roads.maryland.gov/pages/emergencytruckparking.aspx?PageId=856
MDOT SHA’s STORM web application will help locate where MDOT SHA and contractor vehicles have treated roads.: https://maryland.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=063bc92489094dbc8d34c9c2001a38a4&extent=-8962217.3838%2C4558086.4859%2C-8375181.0066%2C4834177.0321%2C102100
Before setting out, drivers are urged to clean vehicles completely. Additionally, drivers are reminded to never pass snow plows.
Motorists are urged to monitor the forecast as conditions can change throughout the day and visit md511.maryland.gov for real-time travel alerts and conditions.
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