Warning From Health Officials: ‘Avoid Eating Caribeña’s Yellow, Maradol Papayas’

The Maryland Department of Health is warning Marylanders to avoid eating Caribeña’s yellow, Maradol papayas because of potential contamination with Salmonella bacteria, according to a news release.

The department’s laboratories administration tested five yellow Maradol papayas collected at a Baltimore retail location and three were confirmed to be contaminated with Samonella.

The source of the contamination has not yet been identified.

Since Yellow, Caribeña-brand Maradol papayas have been distributed to stores throughout Maryland, the department is urging residents to check their papayas and throw them away if they match both the brand and type.

Salmonella bacteria can cause diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain and fever.

Symptoms usually occur between 12 and 36 hours after exposure, but can occur as late as 72 hours of exposure.

Officials said anyone suspecting they are ill with a Salmonella infection should contact their healthcare provider.

Press Release: State urges Marylanders not to consume Caribeña’s yellow, Maradol papayas https://t.co/s4jEukhPRA pic.twitter.com/9MUw8uGcGs

— MDH (@MDHealthDept) July 19, 2017

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