Upstanding Citizen
Greetings Montgomery Community Media fans and followers. I’m delighted to be added to the awesome cadre of local bloggers in Montgomery County sharing our experiences about the community. I learned of the great news that I will be a blogger last Monday, May 20, 2013. That day happened to be my first tour of jury duty at the Rockville Circuit Court as a resident of the county and state of Maryland. Well, it was actually my first tour of jury duty – EVER. I was an apartment nomad when I first moved to DC after completing my degree from the University of South Florida in Tampa, FL. I started a new lease every April as I explored my new environment – from College Park, to Hyattsville, to Alexandria, and in 2009 on to my final “resting place’ of Takoma Park, MD. I have owned my cozy condo for 4 years now and the County thanked me officially with a jury duty notice in April 2013. May 20 will remain in my mind as a day that I was chosen to be apart of something great: 1) serve my civic duty as an integral part of our democratic justice system (I even was selected to serve on a criminal case- wow!) and 2) given the opportunity to engage Montgomery county residents in a dialogue on small businesses.
I love the uniqueness of my city and the diversity of the county. There is no place I’d rather live, work, and start a small business. I started my business, UBW Senior Solutions, out of my lovely 1-bed condo in October 2011. Like many start-ups, solo-entrepreneurs, and future moguls, I dove into small business world without a clear map or compass to navigate the roads ahead. I pretty much was like a contestant on Survivor walking in the dark with a tiki torch and stick whacking through the trees searching to find the allusive prize at the end. I had my mission and vision – what else did I need? Thankfully, there are several lifelines available for small business owners like me all over the county and Washington, DC Metro area to not only help find the prize, but to develop the strategies needed to win the entire show! As I grow and benefit from these gurus, I will post resources, interviews, vlogs, and opinions on my experiences in operating a business in MC. I welcome your comments, suggestions, but most importantly your unadulterated truth.
Unadulterated – to me means to be pure, free, complete, whole, and true to one’s self. Someone who embodies this description is a person not easily altered by another’s influences or experiences. They grow into the person they were destined to be organically and plant seeds into others to reap an even greater harvest.
Are you a small business in Montgomery County? What is your start-up story? What boggles your mind as you build your dream business? How was your last stint of jury duty? Let’s talk about it. Tweet me @U_Unadulterated
I created this blog to share my unique view of this world around me—having grown up with an unrecognizable name with a persistence to do the unexpected, I unabashedly join the ranks of the ubiquitous commentators on life, career, and the plain ole’ mundane. My personal charge is to reintroduce words that start with “U.” Every entry will be my little game of Scattergories with title words beginning with the letter “U.” My posts will be me unapologetic, uncensored, and even a little uncanny. I may be overly ambitious in my quest to utilize this underused letter, but I promise this blog will be fun and unmatched!
Welcome aboard! I’ll look forward to enjoying your blogs on a regular basis!