Two People Injured in Rockville Collision
Two people are facing nonlife-threatening injuries after a vehicle collision in Rockville on Friday afternoon, according to Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Services officials.
— BC Steve Mann (@mcfrsPIO6) September 6, 2019
Steve Mann, a battalion chief for MCFRS, tweeted that the collision involved two vehicles that crashed on 1st Street and Baltimore Road before 4 p.m.
MCFRS are on the scene of a collision with injuries on 1st St. near Baltimore in Rockville. 2 vehicle collision, 2 w/NLT injuries.
— BC Steve Mann (@mcfrsPIO6) September 6, 2019
Pete Piringer, the spokesperson for MCFRS, tweeted that then rescue team evaluated several patients at the scene, including one patient who was evaluated for trauma.
Update – 1st St & Baltimore Rd, Collision, @MCFRS_EMIHS evaluating several patients, incl 1 trauma
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) September 6, 2019
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