Troy Turner Launches Online Petition: “The Focus is Simply Bringing My Kids Home” (VIDEO)

The father of two missing children has launched an online petition on the website. The focus of the petition, Troy Turner said, “is simply bringing my kids home.”

It will be two years next month since his young daughter and son, Jacob and Sarah Hoggle, disappeared from their Clarksburg home. Their mother, Catherine Hoggle, is the last known person to have seen the children, and she has been charged by police with hindering, neglect and obstruction in the case. She remains at Clifton T. Perkins state hospital in Jessup, Maryland where she has been treated for mental health issues since her arrest.

Since the petition was launched earlier this summer, over 1,400 people have signed it.

Find out more from Turner and his frustration with the court system, in this MyMCMedia Extra video, below:

The next court date in this case is Sept. 27th.

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Sonya Burke

About Sonya Burke

Sonya Burke is the Multimedia Manager at Montgomery Community Media (MCM). You can email story ideas at or reach her on Twitter @SonyaNBurke.


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