Top Videos

Although we can not tell you what are the most viewed shows on our two television stations (Channel 19 and Montgomery Channel 21) because we don’t subscribe to Nielsens, we can tell you what people are watching on our website and You Tube channel.

For the past few weeks, the Warehouse: Project 4.1 has been the most watched video with hundreds of hits. We expect the story about a local haunted house that is populated with zombies will continue to be popular through Halloween. If you haven’t seen the story, check it out here.

Another report that continues to be popular on our You Tube page is Katie Ledecky’s homecoming. The Olympic gold medalist’s return to Bethesda from the Summer Games in London has been watched by over 2,100 viewers making it our top MCM video to date. Hundreds of viewers have also tuned in to MyMCMedia’s You Tube page to watch our coverage of Silverdocs and the documentary film, “Don’t Stop Believin’,” about the rock band Journey’s legendary new front man.

Up until voting ended on Oct. 8, the Monty’s viewer choice nominees were attracting hundreds of unique visitors to our website. From Sept. 1 – Oct. 8, the Monty’s Viewers’ Choice page received nearly 11,000 page views.

We are loading new videos to our site and You Tube channel almost everyday. Don’t miss our latest report on the Crown community, Mark Shriver’s new book: “A Good Man,” and the unedited press conferences we covered this week with Montgomery County officials:

Council President Roger Berliner Press Conference
Phil Andrews Press Conference On Redistricting
County Executive Isiah Leggett Press Conference On Early Voting

Finally, a plug for our Vote 2012 page, which includes videos of the candidates, debates, ballot questions, early voting and commentary to keep you – the Montgomery County voter- informed.

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Sonya Burke

About Sonya Burke

Sonya Burke is the Multimedia Manager at Montgomery Community Media (MCM). You can email story ideas at or reach her on Twitter @SonyaNBurke.


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