Top Five Blog Posts on the MyMCMedia Website in 2014
On the eve of New Year’s we thought we would take a look back at the top five blog posts in 2014 on the MyMCMedia website. These are the articles with the most page views.
1. Our number one post was a health warning at Lake Needwood from Montgomery Parks with 41,366 page views.
2. “When popcorn becomes deadly,” a blog post by Susan Burkinshaw, was our number two post, and this is the only post in our top five not written by a MyMCMedia staffer.
3. A fire at Sardi’s restaurant in Gaithersburg was our number three post with over 11,500 views.
4. An evacuation of a Poolesville neighborhood because of police activity was our number four post.
5. The high school graduation at Rockville High School was our number five post, which included a video with some celebrity shout outs.
We want to thank you for making 2014 a record year for the MyMCMedia website! We hope you will continue to visit our site and we hope you will share it with your family and friends in Montgomery County as we strive to reach more people with our posts, videos, classes, programs and production services. Have a safe and happy New Year!
Thanks to the awesome MCM team that has made sure we still have a reliable, daily news source in Montgomery County! We have more than a million residents and a lot going on every day. Kudos, MCM, for all you are doing to keep us “posted” on all that’s happening.