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Larry Merewitz will keep us updated on events going on in the Olney-Brookeville area. There are always restaurants opening and other events like National Night Out in Olney and of course the farmers market.  I am expanding my area to highlight different places I visit, events  I go to and things I experience through... Read more

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Throw Back Anyday..A ’50s-Video

There are many of us that remember times when things were so  different  we even spent our formative years during that time. Many TV showsme-1 were based on that decade, for example wonder years and many more. It is interesting at that time, TV was just beginning with 4 maybe 5 channels, color television wasn’t there at the beginning but gradually came to be. It’s easy for those of us who remember those times and to tell others who were born 2-4 decades later. It’s funny b/c  you can’t really describe those times in a way that they could really understand what it was like, with such a different mindset and the things that were available then and now. The Jetsons were futuristic but now they are the norm if people want that, they can have it. In one of the classes I do, we got talking about how things have changed and not having a remote to change channels so you had to get up and manually do that. As the conversation went on  I had 2 girls who were early teens in the class say , “you must have had a rough life” growing up. Yes it was funny, you know in a few decades from now there will be some young kids saying the same thing to them.

So what brought this up now.. I got this video sent to me and I remember all of it growing up so well that I felt the need to share it. Even if you look at the picture  in this post  some things never change, that little person carrying around a camera circa 1952, still does that today even though I’m sure he doesn’t dress like that now.

Ir’s about 4 minutes  but is not a sitcom, it’s all too real and a great look at a very different time.

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Larry Merewitz

About Larry Merewitz

Larry Merewitz is a long-time Montgomery County resident and worked for Montgomery Community Media for nearly 20 years as the Traning and Volunteer Services Manager. Larry writes a blog on MyMCMedia, find it here.


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