Tameka Montgomery Headlines Small Business University Series (PHOTOS & VIDEO)
Tameka Montgomery was the featured speaker at the Nov. 17th Small Business University event at Montgomery Community Media (MCM) studios in Rockville.
Montgomery’s topic was titled, “Is Your Business Idea Valid?”
Watch Montgomery’s presentation, below:
Tameka Montgomery is the Associate Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Office of Entrepreneurial Development.
Montgomery is charged with driving programs and policies that support national entrepreneurship training and education programs such as Small Business Development Centers, Women’s Business Centers, Regional Innovation Clusters, and the national SCORE mentoring program. Ms. Montgomery was the architect of the national ScaleUp America initiative and the recently launched Aspire Entrepreneurship Initiative, which equips individuals who have been formerly incarcerated.
Prior to her appointment, Montgomery was the executive director of the Denver Metro Chamber Leadership Foundation as well as the executive director of the nationally recognized Denver Metro Small Business Development Center (Denver Metro SBDC) for more than seven years. Under Montgomery’s leadership, the Denver Metro SBDC also received national recognition by SBA as the 2012 National SBDC of the Year and winner of the 2012 SBDC Excellence and Innovation Award. Prior to the Denver Metro SBDC, Montgomery launched one of Denver’s first business incubators which served inner-city diverse entrepreneurs.
Montgomery holds a bachelor’s degree from Spelman College and a master’s degree of public administration from Columbia University. In May 2012, Johnson & Wales University conferred upon Montgomery an honorary doctorate of business administration in entrepreneurship.
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