El ejecutivo del condado, Marc Elrich, envió una carta a la Autoridad de Tránsito del Área Metropolitana de Washington (WMATA) solicitando que la estación de metro de White Flint se rebautizara como “Estación de metro North Bethesda”. Esta carta fue enviada hace un par de semanas, desde que la organización Friends of White Flint le […]
Elrich Urges WMATA to Change Name From White Flint Metro to North Bethesda Metro
County Executive Marc Elrich sent a letter to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) requesting that the White Flint Metro Station be renamed “North Bethesda Metro Station.” This letter was sent more than two weeks since the organization Friends of White Flint asked the county government consider changing the new “North Bethesda” name for […]
Local Leaders Slam Hogan for Rejecting Universal Mail-In-Ballots in November
Gov. Larry Hogan announced in a statement Wednesday that he’s directed the State Board of Elections to conduct normal, in person voting—as well as early voting—for the presidential election on November 3, “with enhanced voting options in light of the #COVID19 pandemic.” In a letter to State Board of Elections Chairman Michael Cogan, Hogan said, […]
Korman Re-Elected Chair of Montgomery County House Delegation
Maryland Delegate Marc Korman (District 16) was re-elected June 24 to his second term as chair of the Montgomery County House Delegation. Delegate Al Carr (District 18) will be vice chair. Del. Lesley Lopez (D-39) was chosen as the Democratic caucus chair, and Del. Julie Palakovich Carr (D-17) is the Democratic caucus vice chair. Congratulations […]
Five Things to Know for June 2 in Montgomery County
It’s Tuesday, June 2 and it is National Leave the Office Early Day. We are not sure what the protocols for celebrating this holiday are if you are teleworking from home because of the coronavirus… as we ponder this, here are five probably more important things worth knowing in Montgomery County. 1. Presidential Primary Election […]
Maryland and Montgomery County Politicians Tweet Their Shutdown Frustrations
Maryland and Montgomery County politicians have taken to Twitter over the past couple of weeks to air their frustrations with the federal government shutdown. Here’s a look at what they’ve been saying. Gov. Larry Hogan I am disgusted by the lack of concern for hardworking employees who will go unpaid this week. No one in […]
Maryland Politicians Meet with Minority Business Leaders Over Breakfast
The Minority Legislative Breakfast brought together politicians throughout Maryland to hear the legislative priorities of minority business leaders. Indeed, the African American Chamber of Commerce of Montgomery County, the Asian American Political Alliance, and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Montgomery County hosted this event, which featured speeches from federal, state, and county level politicians. Above […]
Political Fundraisers Around Montgomery County
With the 2018 political season already started, here are a number of upcoming political fundraisers for the area: Del. Charles Barkley is holding his 16th annual omelet brunch from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. June 3 at the MCEA Conference Center, 12 Taft Court, Rockville. Cost from $39 (for District 39 residents) to $1,000. Barkley […]
Montgomery County Receiving About $195 Million from State
Montgomery County can look back on the 2017 General Assembly and see dollar signs. In total, about $195 million in state money will be supporting assorted county projects, said Melanie Wenger, director of the Office of Intergovernmental Relations. The money includes about $56 million in school construction, a total that has an expected extra $10 […]
Women’s Democratic Club Discuss Priorities During Trump’s Administration
The Women’s Democratic Club of Montgomery County held a special meeting Thursday evening in Bethesda to discuss its priorities during Trump’s administration as well as strategies for the next election. “Now more than ever with a Trump presidency looming, we must stand together,” said President Betsy Loyless, first vice president. “We must sustain ourselves as […]
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