six flags america

February 18, 2021 | Deirdre Byrne

Marylanders Without Internet Can Call COVID-19 Vaccination Support Center

Maryland Department of Health (MDH) has teamed up with Maryland Department of Aging (MDOA) to launch a telephone line to assist Marylanders without internet in making vaccine appointments. The COVID-19 Vaccination Support Center is open seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. @MDHealthDept launched a COVID-19 Vaccination Support Center to share info […]

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February 11, 2021 | Andrea Sarralde

Líderes Instan al Estado a Crear un Sitio de Vacunación Masiva en Montgomery

Dado que los sitios de vacunación masiva de COVID-19 operan en el condado de Prince George y la ciudad de Baltimore, los líderes del condado de Montgomery quieren uno en su jurisdicción. Durante una reunión del concejo con funcionarios del departamento de salud estatal el martes, el oficial de salud del condado, el Dr. Travis […]

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February 10, 2021 | Maryam Shahzad

Leaders Urge State for Mass Vaccination Site in Montgomery County

As COVID-19 mass vaccination sites operate in Prince George’s County and Baltimore City, Montgomery County leaders want one in their jurisdiction. During a council meeting with state health department officials Tuesday, County Health Officer Dr. Travis Gayles said he wanted to “publicly go on the record” to say Montgomery County has multiple locations that could […]

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January 26, 2021 | Maryam Shahzad

Hogan: Vaccination Phase 1 Expanding to Some ‘Severely Immunocompromised’ Groups

Beginning Feb. 1, Maryland will expand its COVID-19 vaccination Phase 1 to include some “severely immunocompromised” residents, Gov. Larry Hogan announced during a press conference Tuesday afternoon. Vaccinations will be administered through hospital-based providers and state officials will give guidance to providers. As explained by Dr. David Marcozzi, COVID-19 Incident Commander for the University of […]

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June 9, 2020 | Emma Shuster

Six Flags Among Select COVID-19 Testing Locations Providing Summer Hours

Governor Larry Hogan announced Monday that Six Flags America theme park in Prince George’s County and other COVID-19 testing locations will provide summer hours.  The Six Flags location’s hours will be 8 am – noon including this Wednesday and Friday. Appointments and doctor’s orders are not required to get tested. While Six Flags does not […]

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