May 14, 2020 | Deirdre Byrne

MedStar Seeking Plasma Donations from Recovered Coronavirus Patients for Study

Since March, MedStar Health has been taking part in a yearlong plasma therapy research project, sponsored by the Mayo Clinic. The therapy—which has been used in the past to treat MERS, SARS, H1N1–is intended to help patients seriously ill from the coronavirus. As part of the research project, MedStar is asking people who have recovered […]

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February 3, 2020 | Andrea Sarralde

NIH Busca una Vacuna Contra el Coronavirus

El Instituto Nacional de Alergias y Enfermedades Infecciosas (NIAID) en Bethesda está trabajando arduamente para desarrollar una vacuna contra el coronavirus, aunque no se han reportado casos confirmados en Maryland, Washington, D.C. o Virginia. El Centro de Investigación de Vacunas del NIAID, que forma parte de los Institutos Nacionales de Salud, está trabajando con la […]

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February 3, 2020 | Suzanne Pollak

NIH Working to Develop Vaccine for Coronavirus

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in Bethesda is working hard to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus although there have not been any confirmed cases reported in Maryland, Washington, D.C. or Virginia. The NIAID Vaccine Research Center, which is part of the National Institutes of Health, is working with the biotechnology […]

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