Between 2012 and 2016, an average of 35 individuals lost their lives and 400 were severely injured annually on Montgomery County roads, according to Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett. In an effort to reduce the number of severe and fatal collisions on the roads, Leggett joined Montgomery County Council President Roger Berliner; Captain Tom Didone, director […]
Berliner Commends CVS Drug Store’s Decision to Limit Painkiller Prescriptions
Montgomery County Council President, Roger Berliner, who serves who on the council’s health and human services committee, said CVS Pharmacy’s new policy to limit opioid prescriptions is a step in the right direction. CVS announced a new policy earlier this week aimed to combat the national opioid abuse epidemic. Starting in February of 2018, the […]
Berliner on Purple Line: ‘It’s A Great Day for Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties’ (VIDEO)
Maryland’s Purple Line will receive $900 million in federal funding, according to the The Washington Post. This announcement comes nearly one-month after the Circuit Court of Appeals overturned Judge Richard J. Leon’s decision to halt the project. “We are all so excited, pleased, and grateful that we’ve finally gotten to this point in time,” said […]
Groundbreaking Ceremony Set for Wheaton Redevelopment Project
UPDATED: Groundbreaking to redevelop parts of Wheaton is set for Sunday June 4 during the annual Taste of Wheaton celebration. The Wheaton Revitalization Project will provide a government office building, an underground parking garage, and a new town square for residents which includes a public park of approximately 35,000 square feet, according to a news […]
Berliner on Affordable Housing: ‘One of the Most Daunting Public Policy Issues We Face’ (VIDEO)
To help area leaders come up with solutions to tackle the issue, Berliner along with hundreds of housing advocates, county leaders and housing developers,gathered at the Bethesda North Marriott Conference Center on Friday for the 26th Annual Affordable Housing Summit. “We believe that affordable housing is a right, not a privilege,” Berliner said. “People ought […]
County Health Officer Ulder Tillman Dies Suddenly
Montgomery County officials are mourning the sudden passing of Montgomery County Health Officer Ulder Tillman early Tuesday. Tillman served as the county’s health officer and chief of Public Health Services for the past 13 years. Montgomery County Council President Roger Berliner and Health and Human Services Committee Chair George Leventhal issued the following joint statement […]
Minorities Discuss 2017 Business Priorities with Elected Officials
Establishing goals and priorities for 2017 was the main focus at the 16th Annual Minority Legislative Breakfast in early Thursday. The breakfast was a joint effort organized by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the African American Chamber of Commerce and the Asian American Political Alliance. “This is an annual event to put forth small business […]
Berliner Press Conference (Video)
Montgomery County Council President Roger Berliner began his weekly press conference on Oct. 8 with a shout out to the Washington Nationals. Berliner then quickly moved on to what he describes as a “defining issue” for the Council: Clarksburg development and the impact on Ten Mile Creek. Berliner said the Council must decide if it […]
Berliner’s Press Conference
Montgomery County Council President Roger Berliner held his weekly press conference on October 1 and discussed several topics including: the county’s Triple A bond rating, a hot button issue about Clarksburg development and its impact on Ten Mile Creek, Pepco, Victory Housing, and transportation issues (he hopes to meet with the Governor soon). He also […]
Hot Topic: Clarksburg Development (Video)
Montgomery County Council President Roger Berliner reports that his offices have received over 600 emails from residents concerned about the impact of development in Clarksburg on Ten Mile Creek. As part of an online petition, residents are urging county leaders to amend the Clarksburg Master Plan. “I urge you to act to make Clarksburg Town […]
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