Maryland Delegate Will Smith

December 12, 2016 | Michelle Queen

“21 This Week” Talk Raise in Minimum Wage, Microloans, Trump Transition (VIDEO)

Casey Aiken hosts the latest episode of 21 This Week. Aiken and panelists discuss efforts to raise minimum wage in the county, legislation to create microloan program, the Trump transition and more. This week’s panel of political observers includes Susan Heltemes, Jerry Cave, Bill Askinazi, and John Hurson. You can watch the show in its entirety, below: […]

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October 9, 2015 | Aline Barros

Gandhi Brigade Youth Presents “Juvenile Justice: The Road to Reform” (VIDEO)

Seven high school students, members of the Gandhi Brigade Youth Media produced the documentary: Juvenile Justice: The Road to Reform. On Oct. 15, Gandhi Brigade, a nonprofit that works on empowering young people through media, is hosting a free screening in Silver Spring. Following the screening, there will be a panel conversation on the juvenile justice system featuring […]

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