En todo el país, los asilos de ancianos luchan por vacunar a su personal contra el COVID-19. Cabe mencionar que los asilos del condado de Montgomery se destacan por lograr que la gran mayoría de sus trabajadores se vacunen. Según el periódico The New York Times, aproximadamente el 40% de la fuerza laboral de los […]
Montgomery County Nursing Homes Have Fully Vaccinated 88% of Residents, 88.5% Staff
Around the country nursing homes struggle to get their staffs inoculated with the COVID-19. But overall, Montgomery County nursing homes stand out for managing to get the vast majority of their workers vaccinated. According to the New York Times, about 40% of the country’s nursing home work force remains unvaccinated. Data from Maryland Department of […]
Street Beat: Carroll Avenue Bridge Construction in Takoma Park
As part of the $12 million Carroll Avenue bridge rehabilitation, the Maryland Department of Transportation’s State Highway Administration (SHA) will close Carroll Avenue between Jefferson Street and Flower Avenue beginning this week in Takoma Park. “The Carroll Avenue Bridge will close on the morning of Monday, July 25 and remain closed for a period of […]
Power Outage
UPDATED Power was restored before 9 p.m. ————————————– Over 1,500 Pepco customers are without power in Montgomery County as of 7:25 p.m. on Oct. 21, according to the company’s online outage maps. We have calls into Pepco’s public information office to try and find out what caused the outage. You can peruse the outage map […]
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