Comedian Sarah Cooper was the commencement speaker at Magruder High School’s graduation ceremony on Thursday. The ceremony took place at Magruder’s campus in Derwood, but Cooper—who became a household name last year by lipsyncing to former President Donald Trump’s COVID-19 press briefings on TikTok—spoke to students virtually. As a Magruder alumna, herself, she she shared […]
MCPS Announces High School Graduation Dates, Speakers
More than 11,000 Montgomery County Public Schools students will receive high school diplomas in commencement ceremonies this year. The high school commencement season is set to begin Wednesday, June 2, and will end Thursday, June 17. Last year, MCPS held virtual graduation ceremonies, but this year each school’s commencement ceremony will be in person and […]
26 Estudiantes de Montgomery Ganan $2,500 de la Corporación Nacional de Becas al Mérito
26 estudiantes de último año del condado de Montgomery han obtenido becas en la segunda ronda de premios de la Corporación Nacional de Becas al Mérito (NMSC). Los premiados fueron seleccionados entre más de 16,000 estudiantes en todo el país, y 47 premiados elegidos son de Maryland. Los premios brindan a los destinatarios un premio […]
26 Montgomery County Students Earn $2,500 National Merit Scholarships
26 Montgomery County seniors have earned National Merit Scholarships in the second round of awards from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). Awardees were selected from more than 16,000 students nationwide and were among 47 awardees chosen in Maryland. The awards provide recipients with a one-time award of $2,500 for college tuition. This group of […]
Sarah Cooper, That Woman From TikTok Lip-Syncing to Trump, Grew Up in Rockville
Comedian Sarah Cooper is taking the world by storm one TikTok at a time. The year 2020 has come with a number of unexpected twists and turns. It’s a year of grief for the country because of the coronavirus and racial unrest, but despite the hardships, Cooper is keeping people laughing. Many in Montgomery County […]
Legendary Montgomery County Football Coach Roy Lester Dies
Legendary former Montgomery County football coach Roy Lester – known for a wicked sense of humor, chewing tobacco and winning lots of football games – died Sunday morning in Rockville at the age of 96. As the head coach of Richard Montgomery High School from 1959-68, Lester led the Rockets to an 86-10-1 record including […]
SMOB Election Date Postponed Due to School Closures
The Student Member of the Board of Education election date has been changed due to the extended closure of Montgomery County Public Schools, according to MCPS. The election was originally scheduled to take place in schools on April 22, 2020. As a result of the school closures, MCPS has developed two plans for the elections […]
Magruder High Closing Due to Water Main Break
Magruder High School in Rockville will be closing today at 10:19 a.m. according to a message on the school district’s website. A water main break has left the school without water. School buses will arrive at 10:15 a.m. to transport students home. Transportation for special programs is included. The school closed last month due when […]
Maestro de Magruder es Acusado por Abusar Sexualmente a Estudiante
La policía del condado de Montgomery arrestó a un maestro de la escuela secundaria Magruder por presuntamente abusar sexualmente a una estudiante de 17 años. Una declaración policial identificó al maestro como Peter Mason, de 42 años, de New Market. Mason enseña educación especial en Magruder y ha sido empleado de las Escuelas Públicas del […]
UPDATE: Magruder Teacher Charged with Sexually Abusing Student
Montgomery County police arrested a Magruder High School teacher for allegedly sexually abusing a 17-year-old female victim who was a daily student in his class. A police statement identified the teacher as 42-year-old Peter Mason of New Market. Mason teaches special education at Magruder and has been employed by Montgomery County Public Schools since 2011. […]
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