La filántropa Kimmy Duong ha donado $ 1 millón de dólares a Montgomery College para financiar becas para estudiantes de minorías. Para mostrar su agradecimiento a Duong y su esposo, el Dr. Long Nguyen, la universidad renombró, el 28 de octubre, su nuevo centro de servicios para estudiantes en el campus de Rockville, el Centro […]
Kimmy Duong
Montgomery College Receives $1 Million Donation
Philanthropist Kimmy Duong has donated $1 million to Montgomery College to fund scholarships for minority students. To show its appreciation to Duong and her husband Dr. Long Nguyen, the college renamed its new student services center at the Rockville campus, the Kimmy Duong and Long Nguyen Student Services Center, on Oct. 28. “Without support of […]
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