
May 15, 2019 | Deirdre Byrne

Founder of Moby Dick House of Kabobs Dies

Mike Daryoush, president and founder of Moby Dick House of Kabobs, died at 66 of heart failure on May 9. Daryoush, an Iranian immigrant, originally opened Moby’s Luncheonette in 1989 in Bethesda, but the restaurant struggled. Eventually, Daryoush built a traditional clay oven similar to one he used in Iran, to bake fresh pita. He […]

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June 3, 2016 | Sonya Burke

New Citizens Are Welcomed at Naturalization Ceremony in Gaithersburg (VIDEO)

A Naturalization Ceremony was held on June 1 at the Gaithersburg Library where 34 new citizens were welcomed from 27 different countries. Representatives from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services officiated the ceremony. MyMCMedia’s Sonya Burke reports. Countries represented, included: Albania, Algeria, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Democratic Republic of Congo, Denmark, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, […]

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