Some Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service first responders are among emergency personnel from across the country heading down to Louisianna to help with Hurricane Laura response efforts. About 45 specialized members from the Montgomery County MDTF-1 FEMA Urban Search and Rescue Team are heading to Baton Rouge, La. A caravan of more than a […]
FEMA Aprueba $300 Adicionales por Semana para Desempleados de Maryland
El gobernador Larry Hogan anunció el jueves que FEMA aprobó la solicitud del estado de $300 adicionales, por semana, en beneficios federales de desempleo para los residentes de Maryland. El Departamento de Trabajo presentó una solicitud para los beneficios, que se incluyen en el programa de Asistencia para salarios perdidos, el miércoles. Esta subvención beneficiará […]
FEMA Approves Additional $300 per Week in Unemployment Benefits for Marylanders
Gov. Larry Hogan announced Thursday that FEMA has approved the state’s application for an additional $300 per week in federal unemployment benefits for Maryland residents. The Department of Labor submitted an application for the benefits, which fall under the Lost Wages Assistance program, on Wednesday. This grant will benefit the thousands of Marylanders and Montgomery […]
Firefighters Receive $400,000 in Federal Funding
Maryland’s federal legislators announced July 16 the awarding of almost $400,000 for firefighters in Montgomery County to continue purchasing personal protective equipment. Montgomery County will receive $357,800 and the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad will receive $45,780 through the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Assistance to Firefighters – COVID-19 Supplemental program. “Each and every day, Maryland’s firefighters […]
Van Hollen, Sarbanes Say Maryland Has Received Only a Third of FEMA Requested Items
Congressman John Sarbanes (D-Md.) along with the Maryland Congressional Delegation are urging FEMA to fulfill the state’s request, claiming that Maryland has only received about a third of supplies requested. As of Friday morning, there are 2,758 confirmed cases in the state of Maryland and the total number of deaths due to COVID-19 are 42. […]
Montgomery County Looks Into FEMA Relief for Flash Flood Recovery
Report Storm Damage Online to Montgomery County’s Damage Assessment Portal Flooding from last Monday’s storm caused damage to numerous homes and businesses in Montgomery County. Now, the county is asking residents and businesses to report their storm damage. Thursday, the county provided an online damage assessment portal for residents and businesses to submit a report […]
MD Task Force One Heads to Florida to Help with Hurricane Michael Relief
Just one month after helping with Hurricane Florence in South Carolina, Maryland’s Task Force One is back on the road. The team was called on by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to assist with Hurricane Michael Relief efforts in Florida. According to The National Hurricane Center, Hurricane Michael has strengthened to a Category 2 and […]
Maryland Task Force Arrives in South Carolina to Aid in Hurricane Relief Efforts
Team members from Maryland Task Force 1 Urban Search Rescue Team arrived in Columbia, South Carolina to help with Hurricane Florence relief efforts. The team is comprised of 80 members, including those with heavy concrete structure collapse, wide-area search, and swift-water rescue capabilities, according to a news release “I am very proud that Montgomery County […]
County’s Rescue Crew Home From Helping Hurricane Harvey Relief, Prepares for Irma (VIDEO)
“If my family was in a situation where they were on a roof of a house or they were trapped in their house and they couldn’t get through the water, I would want someone to get there quickly,” Monte Fitch, assistant task force leader for Maryland Task Force One. Monte Fitch is the team leader […]
Hurricane Harvey Victims: How to Help
The American Red Cross and the Salvation Army are two of the organizations helping those affected by Hurricane Harvey in Texas. You can find more information about how to help, below: If you’d like to help people affected by #Harvey, connect with trusted voluntary organizations by visiting: — FEMA (@fema) August 28, 2017 […]
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