Este jueves 30 de julio a las 7:00 p.m. se llevará a cabo un encuentro virtual en español, enfocado a responder preguntas e inquietudes de los residentes del condado de Montgomery sobre: Recursos para COVID-19 Esfuerzos del Condado de Montgomery para mantener la salud de sus residentes Derechos y Protección al Inquilino Seguridad Alimentaria El […]
Miembros del Concejo se Muestran Enojados por ‘Broma’ de Elrich
Los miembros del Consejo del Condado de Montgomery, Nancy Navarro y Gabe Albornoz, expresaron su molestia por un comentario hecho por el Ejecutivo del Condado Marc Elrich, antes de que comenzara una conferencia de prensa el miércoles. En una historia reportada por primera vez por The Seventh State, Elrich bromeó diciendo que el Concejo del […]
Councilmembers Angered by Elrich Joke That Council is ‘Fact Proof’
Montgomery County Councilmembers Nancy Navarro and Gabe Albornoz expressed disdain for a remark made by County Executive Marc Elrich before a media briefing began on Wednesday In a story first reported by The Seventh State, Elrich joked that the county council is “fact proof” in regard to COVID-19 statistics around the county’s Hispanic population. On […]
The Grille at Flower Hill Did Not Reopen for Second Visit from County
The Grille at Flower Hill is closed indefinitely after the owner received an abundance of social media backlash for a now-deleted Facebook post that said his employees will not wear face masks. The Grille’s Facebook page is now nowhere to be found, and the owner told MyMCMedia that he has taken it down. He said […]
Enforcement With ‘The Grille’ Will be Escalated Based Solely on Facebook Post
Montgomery County is “keenly” aware of the now-deleted Facebook post from The Grille at Flower Hill that said employees will not be wearing face masks, Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security Director Earl Stoddard said during a council meeting Tuesday. The Facebook post came after a Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) environmental […]
‘If That Bothers You Then Please Dine Elsewhere’: Gaithersburg Restaurant Refuses Mask Protocol
The Grille at Flower Hill in Gaithersburg has been receiving attention – not the good kind – on social media after a now-deleted Facebook post from a manager or owner saying that employees will not wear face masks. “Let me be very clear… my staff will not wear face masks while working here at the […]
Hola Montgomery Facebook Group Tops 1,000 Member Milestone
Montgomery Community Media (MCM) launched “Hola Montgomery” last year to better serve and to start a dialogue with Montgomery County’s Spanish-speaking community. Recently, the Facebook group that bears the same name hit the 1,000 member milestone. Introduced in May 2019 by MCM, a non-profit organization, Hola Montgomery content can be found on all of MCM’s platforms: […]
Patagonia Pulling Facebook Ads for ‘Stop Hate for Profit’ Campaign
Patagonia, an outdoor clothing and apparel brand, announced Sunday it would pull all Facebook and Instagram ads until the company participated in “meaningful action” to actively stop the spread of disinformation and hate on the platform. Patagonia is proud to join the Stop Hate for Profit campaign. We will pull all ads on Facebook and […]
Hola Montgomery Alcanza Mil Seguidores en el Grupo de Facebook
Tras un año del lanzamiento de la iniciativa “Hola Montgomery”, para servir a la comunidad de habla hispana que reside en el condado de Montgomery, el grupo de Facebook que lleva el mismo nombre alcanzó este lunes mil seguidores. Montgomery Community Media es una organización sin ánimo de lucro que en mayo de 2019 decidió […]
Montgomery County Recreation Hosting Online Scavenger Hunt
Montgomery County Recreation announced a 10-week long scavenger hunt, which started Friday, June 12 and will continue until Monday, August 17. At the start of each week, Montgomery County Recreation will post a new challenge on their Facebook page. This week’s challenge includes activities such as, cooking a healthy meal, using your body to spell […]
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