Niche reported that Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) is the second-best school district in Maryland behind Howard County Public Schools which ranks number one. Below is a list of the fifteen best-ranked school districts in Maryland. Howard County Public Schools Montgomery County Public Schools Worcester County Public Schools Carroll County Public Schools Frederick County Public Schools […]
FDA Launches Youth E-Cigarette Prevention TV Ads
The FDA launched youth e-cigarette prevention TV ads for the first time. In addition, there are also plans for new educational resources to teach kids about the dangers of e-cigarette use. This will include new posters for high schools and educational materials for middle schools across the U.S. as part of “The Real Cost” Youth […]
Lista revela las mejores escuelas de Maryland que están en Montgomery
El condado de Montgomery es el hogar de algunas de las mejores escuelas del país. publicó la nueva lista de 2019 sobre las cuáles son las mejores escuelas en términos de preparación de estudiantes que se dirigen a la universidad. La lista con las mejores 75 escuelas de Maryland tiene 14 escuelas públicas y […]
Montgomery County Public and Private Schools Ranked Best in Maryland
Montgomery County is home to some of the best schools in the country. released a new list for their 2019 ranking of the best schools at preparing students for college; specifically a list of the top 75 Maryland schools featuring 14 public schools and 12 private schools in Montgomery County. The top ranked public […]
Escuelas públicas de Montgomery consideran menos requisitos para maestros sustitutos
Las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Montgomery están considerando minimizar los requisitos para maestros sustitutos. Hasta ahora, el Condado de Montgomery requiere que los sustitutos tengan al menos una licenciatura o hayan recibido la certificación de un programa acreditado. Si se reducen las calificaciones, las personas necesitarán un título de Asociado o un mínimo de […]
MCPS’ Answer for Substitute Teacher Shortage Met with Mixed Reviews
Montgomery County Public Schools are considering loosening the requirements for substitute teachers. Until now, Montgomery County has required potential substitutes to have at least a Bachelor’s degree or received certification from an accredited program. If the qualifications are lowered, individuals will need an Associate’s degree or a minimum of 60 college credits beginning in the […]
Here’s What to Know About Automated Enforcement Cameras on MCPS School Buses
Most of you have probably noticed cameras on the side of Montgomery County Public School buses. MCPS Transportation Director Todd Watkins says since 2016 an alarming number of motorists passed school buses with flashing lights while students were getting on and off. Not stopping for a school bus in the state of Maryland can cost […]
New Law Increases Fine for Motorists Who Pass Stopped School Busses
Not stopping for a school bus in the state of Maryland can cost motorists a hefty fine. A new bill signed by Governor Larry Hogan went into effect on June 1. After police reported a significant number of motorists who were driving around stopped school buses with red lights flashing and kids getting on or […]
MCPS Schools Recognized for Sustainable Practices, Environmental Curriculum
Maryland Green Schools Awards were recently presented to Redland, Roberto Clemente and Rosa Parks middle schools. This award signifies a commitment to education practices that work to increase environmental awareness for students in prekindergarten through 12th grade. Schools earn this award by integrating sustainable practices and environmental education curriculum, as well as professional development and […]
Pros and Cons of Robo-Advisors
Watch the video below to learn about the pros and cons about using Robo-Advisors. Hire District Capital in Washington, DC as your holistic financial planner.
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