Maryland State Superintendent Dr. Karen Salmon wants schools to offer an average of 3.5 hours of live virtual instruction per day this fall. All school systems were required to submit their fall semester plans to the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) by Aug. 14. At an MSDE meeting Monday, Salmon said that while the […]
Hogan: ‘Totalmente en Desacuerdo’ Respecto al Cierre de las Escuelas Privadas
El gobernador de Maryland Larry Hogan escribió el sábado en su cuenta de Twitter que “está totalmente en desacuerdo con la decisión del condado de Montgomery de ordenar el cierre de escuelas privadas y parroquiales”. El anuncio se produce después de que el Dr. Travis Gayles, Oficial de Salud del Condado de Montgomery, emitiera una […]
‘I Strongly Disagree’: Hogan on Montgomery County Directing Private Schools to Stay Closed
Gov. Larry Hogan took to Twitter Saturday to announce that he “strongly disagree[s] with Montgomery County’s decision to mandate the closure of private and parochial schools.” The announcement comes after Montgomery County Health Officer Dr. Travis Gayles issued a directive Friday, ordering private and independent schools to remain closed through Oct. 1. (The county will […]
State Releases Guidance on How Schools Should Respond to an Outbreak
The Maryland Department of Health and Department of Education released guidance for how Maryland schools should respond to a COVID-19 outbreak when in-person instruction begins and what districts need to prepare for. At a press conference with Gov. Larry Hogan on Wednesday, State Superintendent Dr. Karen Salmon emphasized that a COVID-19 “outbreak” means one case. […]
State Will Assist, But Not Dictate, When Students Can Return To Classroom
State Superintendent of schools Karen Salmon announced July 22 that local school districts have the power to decide whether to begin school virtually, in classrooms or a combination of the two. Montgomery County School District Superintendent Jack Smith announced July 21 that for at least the first semester, schools will operate virtually here. When students […]
Watch: Hogan News Conference With State School Superintendent Wednesday at 5 pm
Gov. Larry Hogan will hold a news conference Wednesday at 5 p.m. to update residents on Maryland’s COVID-19 response. He will be joined by Dr. Karen Salmon, the Superintendent of Maryland Public Schools. Salmon is expected to announce the state’s plan for reopening the public schools. The first day of the new school year in […]
MCPS to Provide Virtual-Only Instruction Through January 29; Fall, Winter Sports Canceled
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Superintendent Dr. Jack Smith announced in a letter Tuesday that MCPS will provide virtual-only instruction for its first semester, which concludes on Jan. 21, 2021. “This decision includes the cancellation of all fall and winter sports,” Smith said. Smith said the decision was made following the guidance of Montgomery County […]
Detalles Sobre el Cierre de Escuelas por el Resto del Año Académico
Las Escuelas Públicas de Maryland permanecerán cerradas por el resto del año escolar académico 2019-2020. El aprendizaje en línea continuará y los estudiantes no regresarán a los campus debido al coronavirus. El anuncio se realizó el miércoles en una conferencia de prensa con el gobernador Larry Hogan y la superintendente estatal Dra. Karen Salmon. “Después […]
Maryland Public Schools to Stay Closed Remainder of Academic Year
Maryland Public Schools will remain closed for the remainder of the academic 2019-2020 school year. Online learning will continue and students will not return to campuses because of the coronavirus. The announcement was made Wednesday at a news conference with Gov. Larry Hogan and State Superintendent Dr. Karen Salmon. Salmon said, “After extensive discussions with […]
Watch: Hogan News Conference with State Superintendent Wednesday Afternoon
Gov. Larry Hogan will hold a press conference Wednesday at 3 p.m. to update residents on Maryland’s COVID-19 response. He will be joined by Dr. Karen Salmon, the Superintendent of Maryland Public Schools, and Dr. David Marcozzi, the COVID-19 Incident Commander for the University of Maryland Medical System. The last time Hogan held a press […]
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